my mid motor madness

pedal no mo

New Member
heres a pic of my bike.. the back half is all fabbed out of 1 in tube..


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Thanx man,,heres a motor pic,,I'm lookin foward to put 'mo" power to this thing..I have a good base to start with...wee.


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This is my bike a while back. I've been thinking about stretching the frame, or some other type of frame mod. I like how yours looks built around the motor. I'm going to have to break down and buy a welder...


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yea man,,I like the rear mounted gas tank on yours.IF ya get a welder ,dont buy that harbor freight crap..they have the lincoln, small ones at home depot are way better ..i did a go cart years ago with a h/b one,,half the welds broke..and i've been a welder for about 15 years ..
Very interesting and innovative build.
I know it's a little late now but if I may I'd like to suggest that you relocate the drive chain tensioner. There really is no advantage to having it on the top chain run. That portion of the chain is tight whenever the engine is pulling the bike. It's the bottom chain that needs the tension.

The reason I say this is because the tensioner bracket or wheel could fail under load and that could cause you some problems. Better yet, if at all possible, run without a tensioner and size you chain correctly then if needed tension the pedal chain.

Other than that, you did good. Nice looking machine. Thanks for sharing.

thanx guyz,,however i cant take credit on the build,,I found this bike on craigslist for a steal..thanx for the tip on the tensioner ..I'VE BEEN TWEAKING A LOT OF THINGS ON IT..I'm gonna see what i can do about the chain tensioner ..I'M WITHOUT A WELDER AT THE MOMENT,,so i'm limited on fabbing stuff right now.

Welcome to the forum. You got yourself a nice intro to motorized bicycle riding. You can do a lot without a welder. Have someone mig weld when needed for awhile, better welds.

The hemorrhoids catchers on top of the fuel tank causes some muscle to twitch! lol

Your hooked now, more to come, enjoy.
