My Magic Pie Dual Drive

Hello all, just recently joined the forum. I thought I would show my bike to everyone. This is my regular ride to work and I love it. I just wish the snow would go away so I can get back on it.

<a href=";current=TwoPieTwoBatteryTwoCycleAnalystTwoHeadLight.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Fixed your pic posting.


Interesting Electric build what distance between charges ?

This photo was taken on my ride home from work. Every now and then I pull over to hug my bike and take a few pictures :) With the bike as shown, my gear and myself the rolling weight is over 200kg. I ride 16k uphill to work and 16k back with no peddling. After I get home I can still go around the neighborhood and do errands. I think I can get about 40-45k total but you have to realize the weight is a big factor.

Have you had a chance to ride in snow yet ? I would think that with dual drive it would be great for snow riding as long as you stayed out of the throttle off the line.
Actually I do not even attempt winter riding. I have hurt my self so many times in life and wondered "why was I doing that anyway?" Once the snow comes im done. Cold I can handle, it doesnt effect the roads much but snow ends up narrowing the overall road width and there is less lane to ride in and its usually wet and slippery.

Thats the life in Canada, at least for me anyway..

Fixed your pic posting.


Have you attempted to run both motors with only 1 battery?

I'm completely new to the e-bike world, but am intrigued by the magic pie. I live by the beach, so most of my commute would be on level ground, but once I turn inland to go to work, I've got about 80 ft of elevation change to tackle. Debating on whether or not a single magic pie could get me (240lbs) up the hill without me being drenched in sweat by the time I get to work. :-)
i just saw this thread and actually thinking about doing a dual smart pie build. even with 2 smart pie motors the actual weight would be about 20% less then a single magic pie. i like your electra. i just ordered a trek pure which is the same frame. we do not have an electra dealer on island