My Bike wont start.


New Member
hey guys, my bike wont start :( its brand new and ive used it a few times, but it hasnt started since my 2nd ride. any tips on what it could be?
Check your wiring, and if you're using a stock plug, get an aftermarket NGK plug (use the search function to find MANY sparkplug related topics). And when I say check your wiring, I don't mean visually glance at it, what I really mean is redo it all. Did any of these rides involve rain? You could have soaked your magneto chamber, crack it open and see if water pours out.
Disconnect the kill switch for now. Double check your wiring. If you used the stock removable connectors, they don't work very well. The stock connectors often loosen up causing intermitting connecting and sometimes the wire pulls out of the crimp in the connnector plug.

If you accidentally yanked the wiring out of the engine, check the magneto. Its very common for the solder joint to fail on the connected wiring to the magneto.

There are so many things that it could be. The otherwebsite has a long list of tips for newbies written by skyliner70cc. One thing it could be is plugged inline fuel filter screen...the screen is part of the fuel valve assembly that is attached to the fuel tank.
my engine wont start eather i have to push off and start it but the engine wont catch. like i spin the wheel and it doesnt make a sound wat could this be?
my engine wont start eather i have to push off and start it but the engine wont catch. like i spin the wheel and it doesnt make a sound wat could this be?

Many new motors need the clutch adjusted right out of the box. It is possible it is slipping and will not turn motor over.

One way to check is to pull the plug out then see if the motor will turn over, if it does it usually a clutch adjustment. But I have had some that are so far off even pulling the plug to eliminate the compression is not enough.
i took the cog cover witht he clutch off and it still wont start... i had a small gas leak from the tank that was dripping on the motor but idk how it couldve damaged the motor enough for the wheel to stop engagine
:-|i want to upgrade my plug wire i have a raw 80 cc engine what would be the best plug wire to replace it and the spark plug because my engine wont start its brand new
Porsche : Why do you think you need a new plug wire and spark plug? Unless you've tested each and know for a fact that's where your problem is, it's kinda foolish to go replacing things. Redo all of your wiring, ensuring you have solid connections, and ensuring that you have it wired correctly.

WhattupBaii : You need to adjust your clutch. *4 step clutch adjustment*

*1* Position the clutch's camshaft to be perfectly flat against the bucking bar.
*2* Put the clutch in the locked position.
*3* Adjust the flower nut until your wheel will roll freely, but when you disengage the clutch lock, it engages the clutch.
*4* Fire up the bike and lift the back wheel off the ground and lock the clutch. Your back wheel will not move if it is adjusted properly.
I did all of that, but its still slipping, held the clutch tightened the flower real good. and when I turn the wheel with the clutch released the big gear doesn't move. I feel like buying a new bottom end. or a whole new kit altogether.
Go ahead and remove the clutch plate - be sure to watch out for the spring underneath it. You mentioned you had a leak - there's a chance you got gas/oil mix in your clutch pucks. Take a look at them and see if they are dry or not. If that's the case, you just need new clutch pads (7$) after you clean it out (compressed air is great for blasting out the majority of it).