Murray bike to Rock Hopper for better brakes


New Member
Hello! Im Ted from Alto Michigan.

My first bike I put a motor on just had calipher brakes not welded to the frame and as I live on a hill I just wanted more stopping ability.

I thought after mistakes on that bike I knew what bike I should buy.

I am retired from steelcase and now just work part time so I am on a fixed income so I shopped for my bike at goodwill stores and second time around stores.

I found a used Rock Hopper for $65.00 ,the only thing I was looking at was the brakes which were in great shape.

The chinese bolted on perfectly,took 2 more links off the chain and I threw away the tensioner.

But I have a few issues---the bike is a little tall for me 1 or 2 inches,the pedals hug the frame and left pedal hits the pipe, so I will ask for help in the proper areas.

hello fellow Michigander glad you are with us. i had the same problem with my pedals hitting the exhaust. what i did was took the pedal off and took pipe and put the the arm the pedal screws to inside the pipe and used it as a crow bar and bent it out an inch and have perfect clearance now. as far as being to tall for you other then lowering the seat not sure what you can do about that. the rockhopper is an awesome bike
Welcome to the Forum.....The pipe can be bent out of the way also. Make sure you take it off the bike first. I used some wood screws through the flange and secured it to my workbench and gently bent the pipe to clear the pedals.