motor wont keep running


New Member
I have a high compression head on a Grubee Skyhawk 80cc properly installed using a torque wrench. Billet intake,CNS carb, boost bottle. Sportscarpat Worksman flat tank I'm having a hard time starting the motor and when I do, it won't stay running. Any suggestions?
Are all the fuel petcocks open? (some engine kits also have a second one on the side of the carb.)
Is the choke 'off'? (pointing down.)
Is the idle screw screwed in enough to keep the engine running when you let off the throttle?

Check all these & report back.
I'm having this problem also and I have checked all the above and it just don't keep running.

As soon as I stop pedaling, it'll come to a stop very quickly.

My initial guess is that I made a mistake pouring in the oil first before the fuel, and not mixing it enough. Thought I'd pour in the oil, pump up the rear tire at the petrol station, fuel it up while I'm there, and shake it up.
Well, as soon as I opened the fuel valve, the oil came straight down; no mix.
Well, engine didn't start so I had to bleed out all the oil until it was mainly fuel coming out with slight oil mix; still the same problem. It starts a bit better, but still dies.

My next guess is maybe the CDI? This is a 1.4KW engine, and when the CDI arrived, the cap which connects to the spark plug was broken, so I'm using a previous CDI I had for a 200W engine; maybe not enough power going through?

I've just read this thread:

I'm hoping there's nothing broken...

Any help?
I'm having this problem also and I have checked all the above and it just don't keep running.

As soon as I stop pedaling, it'll come to a stop very quickly.

My initial guess is that I made a mistake pouring in the oil first before the fuel, and not mixing it enough. Thought I'd pour in the oil, pump up the rear tire at the petrol station, fuel it up while I'm there, and shake it up.
Well, as soon as I opened the fuel valve, the oil came straight down; no mix.
Well, engine didn't start so I had to bleed out all the oil until it was mainly fuel coming out with slight oil mix; still the same problem. It starts a bit better, but still dies.

My next guess is maybe the CDI? This is a 1.4KW engine, and when the CDI arrived, the cap which connects to the spark plug was broken, so I'm using a previous CDI I had for a 200W engine; maybe not enough power going through?

I've just read this thread:

I'm hoping there's nothing broken...

Any help?

Did you drain the oil out of the carb float bowl??
NEVER mix your gas & oil in the tank!!! Always mix it in a separate container & shake it well before filling the tank.
Yes, I removed the screw on the carb to let it drain out and I let it continually run until I got a more fluid thin liquid coming out, so I knew the oil was drained out and it was mostly fuel running now.

My guess is that there's some oil left within the engine itself now or something because I had initially tried running it while the oil was pretty much oil or too thick.

Is it okay to keep trying to start it and burn off whatever I can to get the fuel to kick in, ie. keep pedaling where possible, or something?

Oh, and I realised that I should have mixed it separately, but now that it is in the tank, do people normally give it a good shake before they used it when the bike is left overnight or something? How would I mix it now given it is in the tank?
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Try putting the choke lever all the way up and pedal the bike real fast to get the new gas up through the jet! Then move the choke down to 3/4 of the way up to start it.
Thanks for that tip; it'll probably really help with the break in period.

Solved my problem too; grounded the white wire incorrectly.

Maybe that's also what the problem is for blckwlfny1.

Since I was under the assumption everything was installed right, just when I heard about grounding the white wire and remembered how my previous kit had it, I thought grounding meant sticking the white wire somewhere; now I know I'm supposed to make sure it doesn't touch the engine or anything so I just taped it up.
finally found my problem
the engine was flooding. I had sediment in the carb (idiot-boy put in the line and the fuel filter back in backwards) The sediment blocked the float needle and over filled the bowl. cleaned the carb, put fuel filter back the RIGHT way and wer're good to go