Motor running faithfully now, but.......

I second the motion My last bike did the same thing until i moved the clip and and then it ran really nice also make sure you gAp the plug properly the NGK plug in my exp was a much smoother burn

You're both right. I moved the clip up one, what a difference! I put in the NGK plug, got an accel 8mm plug wire that has RF shielding (no more speedo resetting), and noticed an immediate difference in the way it ran. It ran a lot smoother, way less vibration, throttle was very responsive, a lot quieter, and I topped out at 28 mph on flat ground. Now if only I could figure out where the rear wheel is rubbing....may need to have it trued since it's new. Should I take off the rear spocket before I bring it in?

What gap would you suggest MB?
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You may want to reverse the way your metering rod assy goes...if the metering rod does not have ample play up and down,then you get a neg pressure factor allowing proper vacuum to negotiate your air fuel mixture.You will see this in the conditions that you have said.
Good to hear that it sounds like you've got it figured out. Your description of running rough sounded familiar to me, even though our motors are probably very different.
I've got a homemade friction drive rig with a Homelite 25cc two stroke. Normal operation for me is to put it on full choke when I am starting it completely cold (first ride of the day). I have a 3-position choke. Full choke is only for a second when I first engage it, and I might have to "play" with the choke between full and half for a few seconds until I get up to a cruising speed. I'll leave it on half choke until it heats up (maybe a minute, depending on weather) and I can hear/feel when it is ready to flip to no-choke. Then she runs great as long as she's hot.
But I've found out that this little engine is sensitive to the temperature. If the temp is below 40, I have to adjust one of my carb mixture screws a little (there's two screws on mine). If its over 70, I'll adjust it back. No big deal, once I figured that out. If it's not adjusted, it acts just like there is not enough/too much choke and runs just like you described.
You may want to reverse the way your metering rod assy goes...if the metering rod does not have ample play up and down,then you get a neg pressure factor allowing proper vacuum to negotiate your air fuel mixture.You will see this in the conditions that you have said.


Joe, Don`t You Use Your Vacuum To Negotiate Your Air Fuel Mixture//!!! ?? How Do You Go Anywhere??lafflaff:-|| MAYBE HE WILL EXPLAIN FURTHER. I WOULD SAY HE MADE AN ACCURATE STATEMENT. WHAT THINK YOU ALL??