More Ebay Bs


minor bike philosopher
last month I bought a 31cc motor that was described a lot better than it actually was. I wrote the guy a nasty email and trashed the motor. I was so angry I didn't even keep it for parts. I should have at least done that.

So last night I bid on a motor that had twenty minutes to go. I won the motor and sent a pay pal for the bid and ten bucks for shipping. Now in the ad he states shipping between ten and fourteen dollars.

He lives in Georgia two states away. I sent the minimum shipping.

This morning I get an email stating that shipping is $17.xx So my price isnt 16 bucks but 23. He refunded my payment from pay pal which is fair but really expects me to pay almost double shipping AFTER the sale. I don't think so.

A lot of the sellers have gotten really bad about jacking up the shipping and then making their descriptions sound a lot better than the item is.

I guess I'm in for a battle with ebay about this item and non payment but I really have had enough.

Blood pressure meds in my future
Actually, I believe EBAY will side with you. You agreed to pay the final price and the shipping charges that we given in the auction listing. The seller can't MAKE you pay more shipping, that will break the contract.
Always get a shipping quote from the seller if it's suspect.....or over a couple of dollars, or too high. Sometimes they will remove part or all of their "handling fee".
My plan is to just let it die unless he files an unpaid auction thing on me. I kept all the email from pay pal that shows I did pay him what was on the auction.

If he drops it I will as well. I can always get a cheap engine that isn't a big deal to me.
crap thats cheap shipping. im on #3 motor all with in a month . not becouse of there junk its becouse im going to build 2 more.... yeah im the kewl dad in the HOOD lol....
i bought my last 2 or for that matter all 3 from the same ebayer. but his shipping price SUCKS almost $45 to ship it 2 states away. and that was via fedex so i said can you ship it via USPS its alot faster than fedx he said not a problem but its going to cost you another $20 i was like you got to be f in kidding me then i asked him to put it on my UPS account and then again he said its going to be a $20 fee... so i just said F it....i was going to have my buddy pic it up but he wont sell to anyone in that state...
but on the other hand hes sells good china motors and i like them so far....
Yes but mine was a 25cc weed eater,,, Not a box full of engine and parts... just a small engine and it doesnt even work
i thought i bought an item from boygofast last week, it said the deal was complete. now im getting un-paid auction notices. maybe old info didnt cover payment, who knows? i wrote an explanation, no answer. i can live without threats and e-bay.
I bought my engine from him as well. I had no problems that were his fault. He sold me a set of rings since I screwed up and broke mine. For my money he is as good as any of them. Of course he knows nothing about the engine he sent me to the other site which managed to keep me guessing till i screwed up the engine.
man i hate when that happens. I run a FTA site and i get people like that all the time where someone tells them to do this and that and if they would of just asked someone that knew or if the first person would know there stuff if would make our lifes alot easyer...
man i hate when that happens. I run a FTA site and i get people like that all the time where someone tells them to do this and that and if they would of just asked someone that knew or if the first person would know there stuff if would make our lifes alot easyer...

these guys kept telling me to search it out. When you do a search on something you get a thousand answers most dont have anything to do with your question so of course I guessed..... wrong.

Norman came to my rescue and in pm he walked to through fixing the mess I had made. if it weren't for him I would still be driving a car. I believe in the mentor system now. Too bad we dont have anything like that here...
I Had Trouble With 2 Motor Purchases. My Own Fault ( Till I Was Laying In Bed And It Came To Me ) I Changed Internet Service Provider And Didn`t Change It IN Pay Pal Account. It Took A Lot Of Emails To Get It Straightened Out, Even After I Changed My Email Address. I Paid For One Engine June 28,08, It Came Today. The Other One Is Here Also. But Vizan Motors Of Scottsdale Az Got My $202. On June 6 And Still Nothing, I Guess I Have To File A Pay Pal Dispute , I Do Not Like To But !! I Went To His Web Site And Paid. (not On Ebay) But I Did Pay With Pay Pal, Hopefully I Will Be Covered. Boy , Those Tracking Numbers Work Pretty Good. These Computors !!!!! My First Computor Was A Tandy 64k . :( No Hd, No Internet, No A Lot Of Things !! Now We Are All Traveling The Information Hyway For Our Mb Parts !! (^)
Photoman Thanks For The Reply.. Vizan Motors ( The Guy Thats Shafting Me) Is Not On Ebay. He Has A Website For His Retail Store In Scottsdale Az On The Internet, Not On Ebay. But I Did Pay With Pay Pal (the Only Way To Go, To Many Scams Out There). Because He Isn`t On Ebay Is A Bit Of Concern For Me. I Told Him In Emails That I Would Put As May Negative Remarks That I Can Get Away With, On As Many Forums As I Can . And I Hope To Make A Video Of My First Build On You Tube Mainly As A Vehicle To Give Him As Much Free Negative As I Can. Sorry For Carrying On, Just Beware. Thanks All..
After I sent him a few nasty email he said oh that invoice i sent you was wrong the shipping should be about what I had sent the first time. I paid it and he is sending the engine out today.

I bought it because it came from a leaf blower and looks as though it is set up different from a string trimmer. I am interested to see if it really is. Even if it doesn't work I have all the identical parts from the one I screwed up by running our of gas. I think I can make it work. Mostly I look on it as a learning experience on the set up of a leaf blower.

As for the shipping, yeah he tried to make a few extra bucks but I refused to pay and he saved face by changing me just a little more than the "estimated" shipping in the adv.

Ebay has to be the worlds larges crapshoot. Usually you win but sometimes you lose.