Missing a part...


New Member
I've got the 4-stroke China Girl kit from bicycle-engines mounted on a Schwinn Jag. Been working off & on it since last summer. With spring coming on...want to get it running since I have someone who can help me with some of the mechanical stuff with it.

Having moved from Arizona to Idaho about 4 months ago...lost the hollow bolt/nut which holds the throttle cable to the carburetor. Does anyone know if I can get one of these locally at Home Depot or Lowes with whatever part number they may use? If not...is there anything I can do which would allow me to make the cable stay without needing to order the whole cable to get this bolt/nut? That would be the easiest thing to do...but am short of funds. Shipping/handling costs as much or more than the part itself.
do you mean the threaded barrel adjuster bolt that the cable sits in? if so, you can steal one off any bicycle with old caliper brakes, or get one from a bike shop. they're all the same thread (as far as i know.)

is it like this? :Pyramid Barrel Adjuster, Alloy, with Locknut | BikepartsUSA

It's exactly what I'm looking for!!! Went to a local bike shop & got a hollow bolt with no nut. On the other hand...I just ordered 2 of the barrel adjusters from Amazon. Will keep the bolt around for whatever I need it for. Never know when something like that is exactly what I need.;)
Got the throttle hooked up by running the line through the rear barrel adjuster bolt after taking the ferrel off the throttle cable to give me more cable length to the throttle. Worked perfect...so I didn't need to order the two bolts/nuts I did. At least I have them if I ever need them. Originally thought the ape hangers I was using were too long...but my buddy saw what was happening & "got er done".

Even got the case filled with a touch over a cup (250 mL) of Valvoline 10-30 & a 1/2 tank of 91 octane. Took a bit of tweaking the choke & the throttle to get it running...but we did. Sounds as loud as a Harley & shakes the whole concrete slab. My buddy who helped me fix my pickup & built himself a 2 stroke after seeing my 4 stroke was awestruck it was as loud & powerful as it was. I was worried about the engine being strong enough...but not now.

Got a few more things to do to get it road worthy. Will be posting that over in another post.
You are da mang!

Gotta get the clutch adjusted out. My buddy is the mechanical genius...so we're going to get together for ribs & work on it this weekend. Also ordered the ball-bearing chain adjuster since the stock one wouldn't turn & was tearing up by not turning & kicking the drive chain off the rear sprocket.

He even got the kill switch working by redoing my handiwork.;)

May even put the 2 piece poo-poo pipe on it eventually (once I can spare the extra $50)...especially since it's as loud as a Harley.
Gotta get the clutch adjusted out. My buddy is the mechanical genius...so we're going to get together for ribs & work on it this weekend. Also ordered the ball-bearing chain adjuster since the stock one wouldn't turn & was tearing up by not turning & kicking the drive chain off the rear sprocket.

He even got the kill switch working by redoing my handiwork.;)

May even put the 2 piece poo-poo pipe on it eventually (once I can spare the extra $50)...especially since it's as loud as a Harley.

The 2 piece pipe is pretty sweet. Gives the bike a whole new look.