New Member
I've got the 4-stroke China Girl kit from bicycle-engines mounted on a Schwinn Jag. Been working off & on it since last summer. With spring coming on...want to get it running since I have someone who can help me with some of the mechanical stuff with it.
Having moved from Arizona to Idaho about 4 months ago...lost the hollow bolt/nut which holds the throttle cable to the carburetor. Does anyone know if I can get one of these locally at Home Depot or Lowes with whatever part number they may use? If there anything I can do which would allow me to make the cable stay without needing to order the whole cable to get this bolt/nut? That would be the easiest thing to do...but am short of funds. Shipping/handling costs as much or more than the part itself.
Having moved from Arizona to Idaho about 4 months ago...lost the hollow bolt/nut which holds the throttle cable to the carburetor. Does anyone know if I can get one of these locally at Home Depot or Lowes with whatever part number they may use? If there anything I can do which would allow me to make the cable stay without needing to order the whole cable to get this bolt/nut? That would be the easiest thing to do...but am short of funds. Shipping/handling costs as much or more than the part itself.