New Member
new here... I have built a mountain bike and a cruiser kind of bike. they had 212 predator motors and the go-cart clutches , like (deathrow ) they are pretty fast I had a 26mm carb and a pit bike exhaust.. I would ride it to work most nice days, I work at a Yamaha, skidoo, can-am dealership.. anyway I seen one of theses Micargi Seattle bikes and really liked it form the pictures online... so I bought I really need it, I think I have like 40 bikes...I bought 50 bikes for 200.00 bucks... mostly mountain bikes, well anyway I just started on this one, I have the tank on I bought off ebay... a ASV clutch pearch and leaver and front brake leaver for disk brakes.. I bought a sprocket mount and sprocket... I have a bunch of stuff on order out of china.. I have not ordered the motor yet.. but it is going to be a pitsterpro 170 race motor I think, maybe 190 e-start.... not sure yet .. could even be a 150 e start.. but here is a picture of how it sits right now