
Jemma Hawtrey

New Member

Most of you will know me - im the borderline insane essex girl lol...

I've worked in IT for a long time - currently off work for health reasons - I have published two books and am an avid reader and a cynic first class :)

Latest build and current ride is a 32cc 2 stroke rack mount on a schwinn frame.

latest addition to that is a frame storage locker finished in black stretch PVC (dont ask where I got that, you dont want to know..) and made out of an 800g metal biscuit tin of all things... It currently holds two locks, one bottle (glass) of spare fuel, tool roll (PVC again) with pump, allens, spanner etc..

Its amazing what you can do with zip ties and super glue...

I've ordered a Bluetooth GPS module for the bike and will be fitting that and a mounting for my E70 mobile phone in the near future - I will then have GPS based speed and distance.. not to mention a built in phone and entertainment system :D

Jemma xx
Right on Jemma...sounds like a beautiful ride.

Welcome to motorbicycling. We're glad that you're here.
wow can I borrow some of your brains. I'm having a hard time getting my bike out the shop door. I figure in an hour you could have it so that the whole shop just levitates and I can ride it out. Welcome aboard its a little insane here so you have found a home

Thought I should write up some more on here about me and the bike.

Currently the changes from before are as follows:-

tested and removed the GPS thing - its just too complicated for short distance runs although I still have it and will probably use it for longer rides should I do some.

The locker has been recovered with white adhesive plastic so it goes with the bike (white and green colour scheme)

I have fitted up a exhaust and secondary silencer which is completely unrestrictive (finally) and makes the bike sound more like a single cylinder underbone than a motored bike. I am bidding on a tuned pipe for the bike which will make things a little hairy - 40mph is a little too much lol..

People are more than welcome to pick my brains - I will be on here from now on, got tired of the spam on other sites...

Jemma xx
hi jemma! so glad to see you with us. i changed the pipe on my bike this year and it makes a huge difference. nice thing is you can still run at normal speed and not top speed and it is smooth and quite and less vibration which means less repairs because the engine is not reving up so high. i still love the green and white color scheme on your schwinn. very nice!
The only thing that worries me is whether the Pipe will fit up properly with the position of the GEBE mounting and the space for extra parts..

I am looking forward to the extra speed but will probably be careful to run at about the same speeds, 30-32 mph or so, until I have the brakes upgraded.

Incidentally that is a good point for everyone - its no good having a rig that'll hit 45mph if you cant stop before you hit the side of the idiot that just pulled out on you...

hope you are well

Jemma xx
Good to see you here. I remember you from another site and I think I remember your hello here earlier. Good to see you, and I thought about the gps thing but decided it probably wouldn't be of any help to me since i just run errands on my bike and never travel with it.

I don't drive my car hardly at all any more. I did buy my son in law one for christmas and he uses it and loves it. He is a wedding photographer so always trying to find church and receptions sites.
Hi Jemma and welcome to the group. For some reason I've missed your intro before now but have read a number of your posts and enjoy them very much. Look forward to reading more...Kelly:ride2: