Max power limit for front hub motor?


Well-Known Member
Front wheel drive cars can be tough to steer under accelaration when they have over 200 hp or so.
Are bikes with front hub motors with 750-1000 watts tough to steer also?
My victim bike has a springer fork, so I dont think it would cause any problems with a powerful hub motor.
I have no idea my hub is much smaller like 350 watts. I don;t even use it. My 900 scooter front wheel drive is only well under control at full power. The weight of the front wheel makes it pretty miserable at slow speeds. I am trying to improve it now but I think it is still going to be a pain.
wb6 - I guess I should give you my usual front hub rant: hub motors generate torque by pushing against an "immovable" object - the axle. The problem is, the axle is pretty small and is held by the front forks, which aren't really designed to handle that kind of torque. So sometimes the axle twists out of the forks or else breaks the forks. If that happens while you're moving along and things get tangled up, the bike can come over on your head. Aluminum forks are the worst for that. So if you're thinking about a hub motor, look up some of the threads on "torque arms". Also test your forks with a magnet to make sure they're steel - jd