Way off topic Marvin, Carol and I were in Ace hardware yesterday and they have blank "Marvin the Martian" keys. (Carol got spare "Tweety" keys made for friends but kept em. LOL)
About the earth "I'm going to blow it up. It obstructs my view of Venus."
HAHA Those old cartoons never get old to me! I would like to find some DVDs with Marvin in them.
Dan, Marvin, There Was 3 Chrome Schwinn Chopper Forks With 4 Springs Each, . E Bay Last Week, Buy Now For $75 Plus 22 S/h FOR EACH. Well Made W/ Disc Bracket. I Made Offer, But Got Rejected. Money Is To Tight Anyway, They Sure Were Purdy!! The Springer On My Stretch Cruiser Is A Floppy Thing, On The Pivot Bolt. Ron