Manic Mechanic sprocket adapter

i would like to try one of jims adapters, but for the build i'm on now i couldn't wait on the lead time so i built one for myself, it took me the most part of a day, all i can say after building mine is jim is giving the deal of the century, theres no way i would put that much work into somthing selling for a little over 30 bucks.

I know exactly what you mean. I have all the equiptment here to build my own, but in less I am in a big hurry I would rather order from Jim. It takes me the better part of a day to make one, especially if I have to run across town to pick up a big chunk of Aluminum.
I am just getting ready to order two more from Jim for a couple winter builds.

My Thought For Years Has Been; If You Got The Material For Free, You Still Can Not Compete With Machine Manufactured Items, Or Mass Production. Jim May Not Have Mass Production, But His Price Indicates It. Ron .cvlt1