Maniac57's Jesse James version 2.0 build

I'm looking at this kart hub for a jackshaft mount.
The pedals into one freewheel, engine drive into keyed shaft with freewheel to standard three speed stingray hub.
Need a way to mount freewheels onto keyed shaft.
Need shaft and bearings
need two freewheels and regular sprocket.
Fab steel plate to bolt kart hub into frame behind seatpost.

Everything looks to line up perfectly to switch drive from left to right side and use standard bicycle drive.
I'm trying to copy Jim Wilson's jackshaft OCC Schwinn 3 spd. setup on a budget.
Okay. This thread is getting a makeover!
Got some new goodies to play with!

Things are getting interesting!
Jim Wilson is a great guy for ANY OCC building needs.
I'm still waiting on the final part, a 5 speed cassette for the stingray hub.
Still have to build a seat and work out the bars I want but most of the parts are now here.
I HATE the stock seating position so I'm doing a longer banana style seat with rear bar support.
The 5 speed freewheel arrived!
Yanked the single off and removed the axle for cleaning and to space it properly to accommodate the larger cogs.
Had to add a small spacer since the single speed cone was not tall enough to clear the larger freewheel.

Here's a quick free mod to allow proper cone adjustment without requiring a cone nut wrench:

Here's some pics of the assembled wheel mocked up for derailleur fitting.

This is looking like a very sweet build so far! I can't wait to ride it!
Got the chains cut! Still need to mount the derailleur and some cable stops for a thumb shifter mounted next to throttle for seamless shifting (I hope).
This thing is just looking cooler and cooler as it comes together.
Such a slick driveline!

Got the driveline done today. Pedals through the gears like the factory did it.
Start hooking up the engine tomorrow and get this booger fired up!


Even with a brand new engine, this bike is FAST! The gears make the motor SO much better without sacrificing take off for top speed. I get BOTH!

Reworked the jackshaft mounting to allow adjustment of the engine drive chain separately from the pedal side chain.
Now the pedal chain adjusts with the jackshaft slots, and the engine drive chain adjusts with the engine mounting plate slots.

This bike is really nice to ride! The shifting allows MUCH better speed and reduces vibration when tooling around.
WELL worth the effort if you want to make the best possible use of the limited powerband in a china doll motor.
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Nice work Maniac,
I think I'm going to have to look at remounting my shift kit to the frame.
It could make chain adjustments easier.
It's holding solid on the first adjustment so far Theon. I was a bit worried with the way the shaft tube levers on the two studs welded to the tube but it's rock solid so far! I planned to add a screw adjuster to push on the side of the shaft tube and lock things down had it proven needed. All it needs is a hole in the front of the bracket with a nut welded for the adjuster bolt. May still do it later just for my comfort. Miles will tell.
I currently have it outside for sale, but honestly I hope it hangs around a bit longer. It's really growing on me and I'm curious how it will pull once it's fully broken-in and tuned. Right now it blubbers like a fat girl eating mayonnaise from the jar under full throttle.
It never pulls clean on the main jet. (Like all stockers)
It feels like an legit 50mph bike with the stock motor tuned and running right...
The gear choices make it FAR nicer to ride. I'm blown away by how much I like it considering my lifelong hatred of layback riding positions.
My shift kit seems to keep loosening the 2nd chain by sliding the whole motor down on the seat tube, probably a few ways to fix it.
Otherwise great, I agree a shift kit on a cruiser giving that low reving top gear with the ability to drop back and overtake, plus good low speed responce is the way to go.
When I had the sift kit on a mountain bike, it was great for up hill, but I missed the compression braking, with a disc brake rear though, It would be better.
It IS hard to get used to the freewheeling lack of compression braking.
This bike requires careful attention to throttle during shifting. I can just see the chains snapping under a powershift if I'm not careful.
Throttle MUST be closed when shifting!
But it's not as hard to get used to as I feared. Kinda intuitive really (having built it and being aware of the bicycle chain)
Liking this bike more every time I ride it.
Even only using three of five gears, it uses the engine power so nicely! Popping into high drops the revs so nice for putting around. It feels awesome profiling past at 20+mph just barely above idle....
