Whoa I just got back from my Friday Evening ride.
Max Speed 17mph, downhill no pedaling
Average Speed 12mph
Total Distance 5.6 Miles
Time:35 min
PIctures: 3 that came out.
I focused on my area- I'm too scared to go up near the beach again- taht was a harrowing ride last time and I saw the po po as I was on my way home. They slowed waaaaaay down as they passed me.
I got yelled at by some college students because they stopped to let me pass and I didn't see them. I was near the intersection and going to push my bike across, pushed the button and looking at the lights to see when they changed and the truck sped passed and kid hung out the window to yell a few choice words. Meh, whatever.
I had my first break down, if you can call it that. Engine ran beautifully but eh cable throttle connection slipped apart.luckily for me I didn't loose my helper spring or the little bit that is the connection for the carb. I had my tool kit with me. To put a quick patch on it I folded the throttle cable slipped the little piece of wire that attaches to the carb into the fold and zip tied it into place- it worked phenomenally well, if anything better than the original electrical connector I had been using. I dialed the carb in a little better- I had it running too rich and now it's just about right.
First Pic is Contreau Walkway or as we call it Bum Park- I suppose if you are going to be homeless and you have to sleep on a bench this is place to do it, not too far from the water, slightly secluded and not too far from Stop and Slops dumpsters. I think my flash unnerved the guy on the bench...
Second Pic is Shoe Pond, I thought it was appropriate. It's a man made waterway- concrete bottomed pond made to hold fresh water for some Marine Corp thing. Its pretty and a good place to snag a picnic lunch.
Final Pic is a blurry image of the rear brake light of the MadWagon in front of the main Cummin's center sign and water foutain. I figured I talked about going there enough that I should take a picture of it, I wish the pic came out better.