Madass 49cc and 125cc


New Member
I thought it was just a cannondale full suspension with an engine...pretty cool looking bike, integrated frame gas tank, full suspension, and disc brakes... Too much money for me... I rather shell out that kind of money for a cb200t and fix it up cafe racer style??? but I'll definatly will steal some ideas from this bike. I'm diggin the 125cc also...I wonder how fast it will go?

Maddass Product 4
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those are deeply cool.

as far as getting ideas from it, i think it's just a matter of time before some of these garage/backyard geniuses who are into motorized bikes come up with rides that will rival the coolness of those scooters. there's a lot of innovative thinking right here in this very forum: look at Pablo and Ghost0's jackshaft kit; Easyrider is figuring out a fully suspended bike with a high quality engine; HoughMade is tinkering away on his crazy cool retro creations...

there're people with ideas and skills in this hobby coming out with some seriously cool stuff. and if the need for cheap transportation keeps growing, it's probably just a matter of time before some Big Manufacturer notices the trend
Ahhh Anyone remember Yamaha's "Big Wheel"? I had to look at that bike real hard. That looks cool, but I wonder how it handles? And your totally right. We have more talent here than most factorys! The best part is for the most part it is NOT book learning. It's been there, done that. That's what it's all about! Friends helping each other. Saddly many of us may never meet face to face. But here we have the power and the skill and the desire. Awesome :) (c)
My cousin had a Yamaha Big Wheel....they did not get the best reviews but I thought it was a good bike, I had a lot of fun with it.
I thought it was just a cannondale full suspension with an engine...pretty cool looking bike, integrated frame gas tank, full suspension, and disc brakes... Too much money for me... I rather shell out that kind of money for a cb200t and fix it up cafe racer style??? but I'll definatly will steal some ideas from this bike. I'm diggin the 125cc also...I wonder how fast it will go?

Maddass Product 4

Oh and VincenT, I just noticed your avatar.. you have a Pinz?
<--- 404 Unimog owner here. :) Just added a pic of my ride in my Avatar.
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The Yamaha big wheels were great . They just took a little getting used to . You could travel great in snow as long as you didn't stop . As soon as you did you would sink . Then you would have to do a running start .

I really liked the Madass when I saw it and quickly found out that it was not available in Canada . I ran across an ad yesterday . At first I thought that it was a Chinese copy of the Madass but then I saw that they were advertising that it had a Sachs engine . The price has been reduced to $2100.00 from $3100.00 for a new unit .

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AMG Nitro
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Oh and VincenT, I just noticed your avatar.. you have a Pinz?
<--- 404 Unimog owner here. :) Just added a pic of my ride in my Avatar.

Yup... 1975 710k...sweet 404 you have there... military vehicles are addicting, wanting a doka 416 and ferret mk 2/3 real bad... have to wait until the pinz is paid off first.
Id love a doka 416 aircraft tug w/ the manual trans and torque converter.. THOSE are fun to drive, from what I hear.
I have heared that these are some extremely cool little bikes, and the quality is outstanding. Also, that the 49cc engine, is very easily swapped out with some other engine, that I forgot the name of, and be made to be faster than even the 125cc.