I just got a Mac 2825 weed whacker engine. Paid 15$ because the cord would not retract. So I have it all apart, but I cant get the flywheel off to get to the spring and pullcord. how does this thing come off??
Is there a nut in the center, you've removed it and still the flywheel won't come off?
Take a hammer, and give the end of the shaft (with the nut threaeded back on just enough to cover the threads) a "smart blow" as they say. That's between a love tap and a good smack.... it should pop the flywheel loose.
I have beat the ever loving heck out of it. There was no nut though just the large shaft and the wheel. I can see the messed up spring and rope pully behind it all. I just cant get this wheel off. It just spins and spins. Do I need a puller??
Down inside that shaft there is probably a torx or allen bolt, small enough to drive you insane if you don't ahve the right sized screwdriver but a changeable bit driver. The changing bit driver won't fit down in...
BTW that is your clutch bell, your fly wheel is under that.
excellent!! thanks. I had to look down the shaft with a tiny light to see the thing. I does look hex-like in there. now to try to find that stupid hex wrench.