low power on new build


New Member
Just got my bike up and running and put a mile or two on it. well I just had it out for a spin and it kind of lugs when I give it gas, seems under powered. I'm just breaking it in so I haven't gotten on it at all, but it still seems a little rough. could this be from a air leak around the carb, I'm going to spray it with carb cleaner tomorrow to see if I can find a leak. any other Ideas or is this what they run like the first little bit. oh I had to ad a 3" section of pipe with a 45 deg bend so the carb would fit on the engine. I had it welded up so it should be tight but that's what I want to check in the morning. When I have the idle screw set at 4.5 turns it want to die. My oil is mixed 16:1 (break in) like the instructions say. if its sitting with the clutch in it revs up smooth as silk. If I forgot any details let me know.
IMO 16:1 is WAAAY too rich in oil. Bump it to 20:1. A new engine with horrible amounts of oil bogging it down will kill power. Keep driving it, get it running up to operating temp and go easy on the throttle and vary it all the time.

It took a long time before my two engines opened up and run perfect. Lots of smoke and bogging mean rich running/lots of oil...good for break in.
Check for air leaks to be safe but.....Too much oil make the engine run lean, and carbon up real fast- go to 20:1 for break in. Also, don't bog the engine, let it rev. Break in is best done with various throttle settings and engine speeds, too slow is bad.

These engines are rough and low on power until break in is complete, or nearly complete @ about 3-500 miles. You'll start to feel a difference in the first several tanks of fuel.
thank you guys, I really thought 16:1 sounded like way to much oil. I'll mix up some 20:1 and give her a go.
I changed my oil mixture to 20:1 for break in, but I still have to screw the idle screw in all the way and only back it out 1 turn for it to run right. much more then that and it dies on idle. I sealed up the carb and and checked it with carb cleaner and I have no leaks. Do I need to change the e-clip on the needle, should it be moved down one notch or left on the second from the top. when I'm riding, it will run good then feel like it is lugging and then it will take off good again like it is getting back in its power band. Any help will be great.
I just looked at the plug and it was black, the color of oil. when you say move it up you mean to the last spot to the top (flat end) correct. since it is tapered the more needle that goes in the hole the leaner it will be, less fuel passes through. is that right?
I just looked at the plug and it was black, the color of oil. when you say move it up you mean to the last spot to the top (flat end) correct. since it is tapered the more needle that goes in the hole the leaner it will be, less fuel passes through. is that right?

Yes that is correct. Just move it up one slot, if that is the top slot then try that. I would also get a good quality plug, wire and cap. Gap the plug at .020 to .025 and see how she runs. You need to change your oil/ gas ratio if you havent, I would do 20:1 or 25:1 for break in, 16:1 is going to foul your plug quickly. Also you have to realize that until the engine breaks in and everything mates up good the power is going to be low, then after a few tanks you will notice the increase in power. Just keep an eye on your plug, that tells what is happening inside the engine. Let us know how you progress....
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I just looked at the plug and it was black, the color of oil. when you say move it up you mean to the last spot to the top (flat end) correct. since it is tapered the more needle that goes in the hole the leaner it will be, less fuel passes through. is that right?

That is all correct.

Before you move the clip to the leanest spot, I would check/clean the air filter and clean the plug or replace the plug. Then I would start using a mixture of between 24:1 and 32:1 sythetic oil.
hey thank you guys I 'm running into town later to get a new plug, I switched to a 20:1 mixture for the first gallon then I'm going to go to a 28:1 mix with synthetic. I'll probably get 2 or 3 plugs so I can change them out if they get fouled during break in and trouble shooting. As far as changing the plug wire, do you just cut the old one off close to the cdi box and splice the new one in or can you get inside the cdi box. I thought it looked sealed but I didn't look very well.
No it unscrews from the CDI.....auto parts stores have single wires, coil/distributor wires, just make sure the cap for the wire you get matches the top of the plug. I use NGK so the top of the plug unscrews so I can use either wire....
I just had the same problem with mine. it was kinda boggy and jerky feeling on the low end and then sounding better as i got on it a bit. I moved to the top notch witch will set the needle farther down in the carb. that did the trick. sounds very good now. more power. jeff
I moved my e-clip up a notch and it helped a lot. I pulled the new plug I had put in right after I change the clip and it looked a lot cleaner then the one before. I had about 25 miles on the new plug and it didn't have all the carbon build up my old one had after 25 miles.

I moved my e-clip up a notch and it helped a lot. I pulled the new plug I had put in right after I change the clip and it looked a lot cleaner then the one before. I had about 25 miles on the new plug and it didn't have all the carbon build up my old one had after 25 miles.


check your filter in your tank to make sure it is not plug up that happened to me was all plug up