Just got my bike up and running and put a mile or two on it. well I just had it out for a spin and it kind of lugs when I give it gas, seems under powered. I'm just breaking it in so I haven't gotten on it at all, but it still seems a little rough. could this be from a air leak around the carb, I'm going to spray it with carb cleaner tomorrow to see if I can find a leak. any other Ideas or is this what they run like the first little bit. oh I had to ad a 3" section of pipe with a 45 deg bend so the carb would fit on the engine. I had it welded up so it should be tight but that's what I want to check in the morning. When I have the idle screw set at 4.5 turns it want to die. My oil is mixed 16:1 (break in) like the instructions say. if its sitting with the clutch in it revs up smooth as silk. If I forgot any details let me know.