love mine

If that’s what you want to believe. While this may be true, most people that feel “threatened” on a motor bike of any kind
quickly learn the concept of revv bombing. A 66cc engine with a mz65 exhaust (no muffler) at 9,000 rpm is surprisingly loud. But yes, I know that replacing a horn with revv bombing is in fact, a extremely bad idea. Still, even with a horn, a car will just think it’s another car honking for no reason, then getting pissed and making the road more hazardous. Or they will just say “wtf?”, and then quickly moving on with their day, rendering the horn only as useful as a revv bomb. At the end of the day, most will just see a bicycle going really fast; lol.
There was more to it than simply honking the horn, there's slowing down and operator acknowledgement. The concepts of the videos is Be Aware, Be seen, Be Predictable, Communicate.
If that’s what you want to believe. While this may be true, most people that feel “threatened” on a motor bike of any kind
quickly learn the concept of revv bombing. A 66cc engine with a mz65 exhaust (no muffler) at 9,000 rpm is surprisingly loud. But yes, I know that replacing a horn with revv bombing is in fact, a extremely bad idea. Still, even with a horn, a car will just think it’s another car honking for no reason, then getting pissed and making the road more hazardous. Or they will just say “wtf?”, and then quickly moving on with their day, rendering the horn only as useful as a revv bomb. At the end of the day, most will just see a bicycle going really fast; lol.
people out here dont know how to drive anyway. if you watch them when they turn thier head thier arms turn the steering wheel. so when they look over in the other lane they tend to drift too. its really bad if you drop an ice cube on the road. you do that and the next thing you know theres as car on its roof and they are the only one around. if you pulled over 10 people and looked at thier licenses at least 7 of them would say KBF in the bottom corner. so you know they got it out of a nickel machine at knotts berry farm
whats nice is if someone does something stupid like cut you off you usually catch up with them at the next light. then you can just pull right up to thier window and politely tell them they are a dick...


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people out here dont know how to drive anyway. if you watch them when they turn thier head thier arms turn the steering wheel. so when they look over in the other lane they tend to drift too. its really bad if you drop an ice cube on the road. you do that and the next thing you know theres as car on its roof and they are the only one around. if you pulled over 10 people and looked at thier licenses at least 7 of them would say KBF in the bottom corner. so you know they got it out of a nickel machine at knotts berry farm

This is why I so heavily stress MB'ers learn good cycling skills and have operating equipment. Mirrors allow you to know what's happening behind you. Sadly many drivers don't know what hand signals mean; yet they do understand what flashing signal lights mean. Most motorist interrupt rev bombing as a speeding motorcycle passing them but a horn as an alert/warning. This then creates instinctual reactions, similar to reaching inside of a door to flip a light switch on when entering a dark room.
whats nice is if someone does something stupid like cut you off you usually catch up with them at the next light. then you can just pull right up to thier window and politely tell them they are a dick...

Not a very wise thing to do. Have you not noticed the raise in road rage incidents? A helmet cam is your best weapon for such things. If it could've caused serious injury turn the video into the police. Though one should try to get a operator face shot in the video.
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"At the end of the day, most will just see a bicycle going really fast; lol."
That is the problem Chad, drivers do not realize the bike you are riding can make 30mph. A friend of mine has multiple times had to lay it down to avoid a T-bone crash.
i had a guy hurry to get to the corner aheadof me so he could make his turn. 1/2 way through the turn he had to stop for a lady with a stroller crossing the street. he never even gave it any thought that his doing that created a huge problem for me. so i made a quick right and made sure that he saw me turn left after that in front of his truck and as i went by i made sure to let him know he was an ******* for doing that. dont ever think that making noise will somehow magically made a person drive right. o a;ways drive or ride giving the other person the benefit of the doubt that they cant drive. going beep beep or vroom vroom no matter how loud it is does not take the place of good driving on your part. if you wait for something to just about happen before you decide on a counter measure your too late. ots like a chess game you have to think three moves ahead. if they do this then i can do this...if it doesnt happen then more the better at least you were prepared. trying to explain away why you are in a coma in a hospital on the other driver is tough.
This is why I so heavily stress MB'ers learn good cycling skills and have operating equipment. Mirrors allow you to know what's happening behind you. Sadly many drivers don't know what hand signals mean; yet they do understand what flashing signal lights mean. Most motorist interrupt rev bombing as a speeding motorcycle passing them but a horn as an alert/warning. This then creates instinctual reactions, similar to reaching inside of a door to flip a light switch on when entering a dark room.
ill tell you what...going down on a bike is hust as bad as going down on a motorcycle, wearing leather will save protect you skin for about 20 feet as you slide down the road..after that its gonna be jeans and then skin.jeans if they are new last about 2 maybe three feet then your skin is against the road until you stop. no amount of finger pointing will make you feel better as you look at the opened nerves exposed on your skin.
you think thats bad wait until you get to the hospital and they use one of those hard plastic bristles to scrub thise nerves ti get all the **** out of your leg bhust so they can see how bad it is. im here to tell you that aint no fun. if youre lucky you learn to pay arrention after the first time..cuz i guarantee you it isnt something you want to do a second time. so toot toot beep beep and having a propeller on your hat do not replace common sense/
Two words: Evasive maneuvers
It will save your life in so many ways (of course, so will the right gear, as L.. mentioned)
i had a guy hurry to get to the corner aheadof me so he could make his turn. 1/2 way through the turn he had to stop for a lady with a stroller crossing the street. he never even gave it any thought that his doing that created a huge problem for me. so i made a quick right and made sure that he saw me turn left after that in front of his truck and as i went by i made sure to let him know he was an ******* for doing that. dont ever think that making noise will somehow magically made a person drive right. o a;ways drive or ride giving the other person the benefit of the doubt that they cant drive. going beep beep or vroom vroom no matter how loud it is does not take the place of good driving on your part. if you wait for something to just about happen before you decide on a counter measure your too late. ots like a chess game you have to think three moves ahead. if they do this then i can do this...if it doesnt happen then more the better at least you were prepared. trying to explain away why you are in a coma in a hospital on the other driver is tough.

One has to question a woman with a stroller crossing in front of on coming traffic??? Now granted the truck shouldn't have pulled out in front of you but should've waited until after the turn to pass you. However; you too would've had to try and avoid hitting the pedestrians who were crossing the road in an unsafe manner, if the truck hadn't passed you. So how would you have felt if that truck swerved around you flipping you off, simply because you were avoiding being involved in an accident.
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One has to question a woman with a stroller crossing in front of on coming traffic??? Now granted the truck shouldn't have pulled out in front of you but should've waited until after the turn to pass you. However; you too would've had to try and avoid hitting the pedestrians who were crossing the road in an unsafe manner, if the truck hadn't passed you. So how would you have felt if that truck swerved around you flipping you off, simply because you were avoiding being involved in an accident.
no because i was going straight the only reason i went right was so i didnt t bone him. i was in the bike lane so if i were to go left to go atound the back of him i would have ended up pulling out i front of a car in that lane to go around him. the lady with the stroller was within her rights crossing how and when she did. she wasnt crossing in front of anyone. she was hust crossing the street when this truck caused the issues. the guy in the truck was just in a hurry and wasnt paying attention to everything around him. had he done that he would have see the lady and the stroller getting ready to cross the street so he knew he would have had to stop mid turn therefore blocking my right of way. lucky for me i was payting attention o told myself if he ended up doing what he did that going left was out of the option so was i able to slow down enough so that the ladyhad crissed the street far enough so she was out of my way but still keeping the truck stopped so i could go right and then left to keep going strtaight. had o npt thought all that through ahead of time it would probably ended in a big mess by my being caught off guatd.
You should not have to swerve around a vehicle in order to stop for pedestrians that are in front of the vehicle you are attempting to swerve around. The only way this is permeable is if you don't have enough distance to brake. But the truck should of had plenty of distance to brake because from what I gathered from this story, it occurred at and intersection with stopped vehicles and there was a bike/moped at the intersection. Either way, he should have been well prepared and slowing. From what the OP said, he done neither, which leads me to believe it was an intentional act.
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You should not have to swerve around a vehicle in order to stop for pedestrians that are in front of the vehicle you are attempting to swerve around. The only way this is permeable is if you don't have enough distance to brake. But the truck should of had plenty of distance to brake because from what I gathered from this story, it occurred at and intersection with stopped vehicles and there was a bike/moped at the intersection. Either way, he should have been well prepared and slowing. From what the OP said, he done neither, which leads me to believe it was an intentional act.
youd think so but since the driver of the truck was impatient he eliminated being able to do things safely. whether it was intentional or not i cant say. if he would have been driving the right way he would have waited with his blinker on until the lady with the striller was done crossing the street. since it was obvious he saw me because he hurried and anticipated making his right turn before i got to that intersection so he didnt block me from continuing going straight on the riad like i had been. by his not seeing the lady crossing the street before he tried his manuvure ho could only stop and not hit her but at the same time blocking me frim continuing straight down the road.
before this happened i has no intention of turning because i was going straight down the road. it all came down to his nor knowing my bike could go as fast as it does. thats what jerry was pretty sure
no because i was going straight the only reason i went right was so i didnt t bone him. i was in the bike lane so if i were to go left to go atound the back of him i would have ended up pulling out i front of a car in that lane to go around him. the lady with the stroller was within her rights crossing how and when she did. she wasnt crossing in front of anyone. she was hust crossing the street when this truck caused the issues. the guy in the truck was just in a hurry and wasnt paying attention to everything around him. had he done that he would have see the lady and the stroller getting ready to cross the street so he knew he would have had to stop mid turn therefore blocking my right of way. lucky for me i was payting attention o told myself if he ended up doing what he did that going left was out of the option so was i able to slow down enough so that the ladyhad crissed the street far enough so she was out of my way but still keeping the truck stopped so i could go right and then left to keep going strtaight. had o npt thought all that through ahead of time it would probably ended in a big mess by my being caught off guatd.

Ok it's a little more clear what you're saying. Sounds like you're saying the truck sped ahead of you, turned right through a cycling lane. Realized pedestrians were in the perpendicular cross walk and had to slam on brakes to avoid hitting the pedestrians. Creating a potential passenger side collision with his vehicle to you. Unfortunately this is the draw back of using cycling lanes. Now I'm wondering if this A-hole even used a turn signal. You were wise to slow down and use evasive maneuvers to avoid being hurt. This is where mirrors are needed. It would've been even worse if there had of been a vehicle close behind the truck.
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of you have mapquest...pull up mcfadden and maxine 92704. using that as your reference. i was traveling east on mcfadden. had been for several miles.the lady was crossing maxine in the same direction. maxine is a street that leads from mcfadden inro a residential area, the truck was traveling the sane direction i was. going down mcfadden frim west to east.the truck wanted to turn into the residential tract by turning right (south) on maxine. maxine is not a mahot street and is not controlled by a traffic light. if you are driving north om maxine and want to rutn east or west on mcfadden all there is is a stop sign you have to stop at until it is safe to turn. mcfadden os a mahor street and is well travelled in both directions during the day. as i am aware of how bad people drive o pay extra attention to everything around me..such as i saw the lady stop and look befire crossing maxine street. the truck apopeared from behind me going east on mcfadden as well.but in his hurry to turn right on maxine ho didnt see the lady already crossing maxine until he had started his to avoid hitting jer he stopped mid turn. seeing him block my path to continue east on mcfadden. since i could not go around him to the left my only choice was ti turn right in maxine and while the lady had the truck stipped while she was crossing the street o was able to go left and cross maxine and back inri mcfassen going east again. if you pulled up that spot on the map and use what i just said that should elomonate any and allconfusion as to what happened. o tell people if they are going to be in a hurry they need to leave sooner. getting behind the wheel if a vehicle aint no joke. driving a car is like driving a 2,000 pound bullet
this is what happens when you are in a rush. this was an actual accident that happened iout here a few years ago. notice the ladys face peeled bacl. she decided to wrick her porsche going over 100 mph


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this aint no bullshit. these cops were taken to court for putting these photos on the internet. the 4th photo tells ot all. you can see her skull and her face was seperated and hanging down.