Love it & hate it at the same time.


New Member
May 17, 2018
Hello everyone. I'm new to the motorized bicycle world. I have two jobs and wanted an easier way to get to work than just pedal my bike. It literally took me 30 minutes of nonstop pedaling to get to either job from my apt. Well, someone that lives near me owns a motorized bicycle and I got the great idea that it would be GREAT if I had a motor on my bike. It would cut my commute time in half, plus it was cheaper than getting a car. Well, needless to say, I have had nothing but problems since I started. I've actually had my bike (motorized) for 5-6 weeks. For the first 4 wks.... I only got to ride it half the time, because there was always something that the guy that put it together had to fix. For the past two weeks,it has been out of commission completely. I have spent so much money on this bike and it's still sitting on my balcony unable to be used. I'm afraid to waste anymore money, but I enjoyed riding it so much. I don't know what to do. I wasn't planning on telling what has been going on with it this time. I'm gonna get all my info that I need in order to be able to get some serious help with my dilemma. I'll either get back in here tomorrow or Friday with any and all questions that I have. Thanx for listening.