Looking for someone with experience with building an electric Schwinn Meridian!

This is where I buy my batteries.

Paul (the owner and far smarter guy than me when it comes to this) is a great guy that will work with you and his site is full of helpful info about every part of a battery systems and even the controller you want to use to get the most from it but ya, there are a lot wires from a BMS, a pair for every serial block that monitors cell blocks plus an overall voltage, shut off circuity, and the charger hooks to it so all the charger sees is the BMS saying 'give me juice' or 'I'm done' so the charger quits sending power and the BMS proceeds to balance the pack cells after the charger changes mode.

As for 'do it yourself' race bikes sure you can cut out a lot of safety stuff and push everything to the max like anything else for that thrill but not something I would want to build to rely on for years day to day ya know?
Yeah. I seen this on endless sphere a while back. http://em3ev.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=125 For quality, ease of use, and best price I would recommend golden motor, conhismotor, and bms battery. never mind the rich boy kits or cheap crap(ebay)
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He makes packs that custom fit low on an ebike that surely results in a nice balanced ebike ride ! :)

An etrike has more room and options for battery mounting so a pack that is easy to repair is not a problem.

There is room for more of an ev type battery setup. :)

An etrike battery does not need to be like an ebike battery.
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I have built a few of them and think the front hub motor is the way to go, simple to install and with the motor in the front wheel it will track better. In fact I am building one right now for a friend and will be using a Wilderness motor 600W 36 volts. I have used that set up before. I have built 3 E bikes and owned an Ego scooter for several years and have built 3 two stroke bikes and one 4 for stroke bike. I like the pain.