looking for cruiser frame


New Member
I am looking for an older style cruiser frame with front forks, complet bike optional, im trying to find my upcoming new prject seeing as how i am currently working on rebuilding my trail bike. I really dont want a stretch crusier, just a really old fashion style cruiser 30-40 range prefered. PM with details and pics if possible
If it were me I would pick up a straight bar Schwinn frame such as found on the Panther, Autocycle, Motorbike, Hornet and some of the DX. This would be 1950's and earlier. Last week when I looked for the heck of it there were seven or eight of these frames on ebay. A lot of Schwinns got sold. I'm just now finishing up a Worksman NB and starting on a Panther and like the Schwinn frame much better than the Worksman. It just sits nice and feels right. Heavy, well made frame. A plus is the the in frame tank for it is being made by Sportscarpat, repop Monarch springer fork in a beefed up version is available from Venice Motor bikes. Give it heavy duty wheels by Husky or Worksman and you've got one heck of a bike. Parts are readily available, which is not the case with old Elgins and Colsons, Monarchs, etc. I love the odd ball ones, but I find the prices daunting. Just a suggestion. I'd take a Panther over a Worksman any day of the week.
If you're looking for an in frame tank for a cantilever Schwinn I doubt he makes them. I believe he just does the Worksman NB and he was doing the straightbar Schwinn frames, maybe still is. It would be a good nitch market for someone , however.
If you're looking for an in frame tank for a cantilever Schwinn I doubt he makes them. I believe he just does the Worksman NB and he was doing the straightbar Schwinn frames, maybe still is. It would be a good nitch market for someone , however.

:( poor jb