LifanCVT on Micargi Mustang

Well, I hope you don't end up getting the time by losing your job. Good luck. We'll be waiting.................................
OMG! My bikes have been STOLEN. Had them chained together in the front yard. They left the chopper, but took the stretch and huffy. Both had motors (I had trial fit a ZOOM bikes 80cc to the stretch). CRAP! the stretch also had the Pirate/Manic Mechanic head. Police just left. I am sooo ANGRY!!!
Those won't be hard to find I mean how many people in your town/city have Stretch Cruiser motorized.

My condolences I hope you hit the Lottery, then you can start your own company heck you could do all most anything with about 250 or so million dollars.

Hope you get them back though!!!

Peace Crazy Horse.
Seems like bike theft is on the rise everywhere. Probably a result of the crappy economy. Chains and cables seem to be only mild deterents. I think I'll start using a U-lock. The best deterent is to keep it out of site and securely locked to something. Out in the front yard is not a great place to keep anything of any value. I hope you recover your bikes. I would probably cruise the neighborhood looking for them.
They were chained together to a post if front of my apartment, underneath a dusk to dawn mercury vapor floodlamp I call "the prison yard light". I have been cruising my neighbour hood as well as contacted the few folks who are selling MB's and pawn shops in the area. I have provided the police with pictures, and serial #'s. Who ever took them came prepared with a cut-off tool (the chain was sawn through). No one in the apartment complex saw anyone unusual. Still canvasing the area. There is no room in our apartment to keep them.
On the positive side of things... I am employed for another 5 years (1year with 4 year option), CCRI passed with no dings or digs on my side of the house; UCI came away with an Excellant rating. And my daughter graduated from Stanford University the 13th of June and has moved to Washington DC to start her first job with a Law firm. Looking on the bright side of life!
Congrats on the job and graduate! Maybe you can afford to buy a new bike since you don't have the college fund going on anymore.
Very Nice I looks like a great project. I hope the front end is just for mock up cause from the looks of that with the speed you achieve a ridged front end is a beat the out you ride. Nice bike again.
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