For those of you that need liability, check out AIG They quoted me $43/yr to insure a home-made motorbike. That is the only one I have heard that will even write one. I still need to take pictures of my latest and send that with bills to the state (OK) to get a title and then I can get a tag and insurance. Lately here in Bartlesville Ok I hear that the Whizzers are riding ok without anything under a provision in the statutes about motorized bikes with peddles, but it also says not capable of more than 30 mph, so I expect their bubble will burst shortly. At any rate I have gotten by with the 80cc Chinese wonderbike so far. I am about to install an old Lauson 2hp off a reel mower on an old electric scoot with a lengthened frame. It will probably have a bod similiar to a box Cushman I think I may get by with it like the electrics do. Cheers Trackfodder