Lebanon Pa. ride


Active Member
Ray & his wife from Massachussetts are coming to visit my wife & me with their bikes the weekend of August 1st. Who wants to come on Saturday & make it a little rally? Lots of country roads to ride where I live.
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Wish I could! My dad was from Lebanon and I still have a bunch of cousins and an aunt in and around there. Enjoy your ride!

Jay, it looks like I'll be there at least with the EZMotorbike, but I hope to also bring the Whizzer. That will depend on whether Jim comes along and brings his trailer, as my bike rack won't handle the 100lbs+ of the Whizzer. If he does, we can put the three bikes (Jim's Whizzer too) on his trailer.
Count me in for the ride also Jay. Sounds like it will be fun. By the way, where will we all meet at? just wondering so I can get directions so I don't get lost getting there. Thanks in advance.
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My address is:
2432 South 5th Avenue (route 897)
Lebanon, Pa.
Phone:1-717-926-5414 Anytime after 10 A.M. is okay.
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Bonnie (my wife) is getting food ready. Lunch and supper. My bikes are all running good. They're ready. Come & hear how I got titles for all three bikes. Well the 99 Whizzer did come with a title. But the other 2 are interesting stories. If it rains I have a 24 by 40 foot building to put the bikes in & tell our stories. Bring parts to swap & sell. I'm always looking for something. Right now I'm looking for a rear rack for my lunch box for work.
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I just have to replace a burnt out taillight lightbulb on my bike, other than that it is working fine and I will be there.
I just have to replace a burnt out taillight lightbulb on my bike, other than that it is working fine and I will be there.

OCC, I'm looking forward to meeting you there. From what part of Chester County do you hail? Jim (Fossil) is around Downingtown, and I'm in the next county over from you (Lancaster), although I spent about half my life living just outside of West Chester.
I fixed the taillight on my OCC Stingray and it works fine now. I also checked the nuts, bolts, tire pressure, etc and cleaned it since I was working on it anyway. It is ready for the ride.
It's supposed to be sunny, Bonnie's got food for lunch & supper, the bikes are running good & I have plenty of home made wine for the evening (the more we drink, the more we tend to lie about our bikes :)) Let's ride.
About how many miles will the ride be? Just wondering because I might need to bring extra gas just in case. My bike has a 1 gallon tank and at almost 100mpg will that be enough?
Dang! What a great little event! I'm still kicking myself for forgetting my camera, so I'm going to have to depend on others who were there to post theirs.
We had 14 bikes (but not quite as many riders) there, including a really cool motorized quadricycle with a Staton drive. I brought my Whizzer NE5 and an EZMotorbike.
We had folks from both forums there, with Rustico Ray and his wife taking honors for traveling the longest distance. They drove in from outside Boston.
We had several rides through the beautiful farmlands of Lebanon County, with an absolute minimum of troubles with the bikes. Nobody got stranded on any of the runs, which was good as we weren't running a "sag wagon".
The food was very good, the hospitality was great and the camaraderie was terrific! All in all a great day. There's talk of making this an annual event. I'm all for it!
We had a great time. I am now able to put faces to the names we see here. Lots of riding with great weather and beautiful farmland back roads to ride on. Bonnie and Jay were wonderful hosts. Were are trying to talk him into making this an annual event. My Whizzer has never run better. I even had an offer to buy it from me from a very happy rider. Sorry I had to leave when happy hour started but we had to get home to take care of the dog. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment. I wish I could attach more than five.



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Thanks Jay and Bonnie and everyone else for there hospitality. It was great to get away from work for the first time in a long time and hang out with some good people. Also loved seeing all the different style bikes and stories. Anyone have a link for the ez bike kit, looks like something I would like to look into?
Thanks again,
Yodabob legal in PA
YouTube - motorized bike street legal in PA