
My bet would be to lower the clip on the carb pin (which raises the pin in the jet) to richen up the mixture a bit. Usually when an engine has a problem coming off idle to midrange it's too lean.
the clip is on the first notch now and i did move it down it just made it worse and my bike has alway ran way better than this its alway been snappy
The fact that the engine runs good at half choke is indicating that it's too lean when the throttle is opened. Sounds like there might be some crud in the carb, maybe dirt in the main jet is restricting the opening. It could also be ignition but sounds more like an air leak or dirt in the carb.
I had this problem on a couple of bikes... they only ran good with 1/2 choke.
After making sure there were no air leaks & the carbs were free of dirt inside, I drilled the jets a size or two bigger & the bikes ran perfect! ;)
my new bike did that, too. it ran great at half choke, died at full choke, and sputtered at choke off.

i checked for air leaks and found none, then thought about it, and realized that an air leak should have nothing to do with it. it would need a massive air leak to make it act like a choke, and since it dies at full choke, i know it's not sucking any in anywhere else.

so, knowing that the choke blocks off air to make the fuel richer, i lowered the needle clip to the third notch, and rode it all day long with no problems. and my plug looks good. not great, but about as good as it's gonna get.

(i initially had the clip on the top notch, because of my Opti2 problems, it was the only way it ran semi-good.)
well today my rear motor mount decided to snap off inside the motor so ill be with out a bike for a few days.....this will be fun:(