Kustom kruiser slick daddy install


New Member
I just found a new Kustom Kruiser Slick Daddy bike. I want to see who has put engines on these type bikes and what is the best combo for this bike.
2-stroke or 4-stroke in frame or friction drive??
The big 3 inch rear tire seems to be an issue?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It should be fairly easy if you have some basic fab skills.
You will need to offset the engine & rear sprocket for the chain to clear the 3" wide rear tire.
You will also have to make the chain clear the brake bridge & chain stay on the rear of the frame.
Here's some pics of similar bikes that I've built that might be helpful to you...



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Thanx alot
Have you ever put one of the friction drive 4-stroke kits on a stretch bike?
What do you think about the 4-strokes compared to the 2-stroke kits on these type of bikes?
One of the guys who rides with us on our monthly club rides put a little Subaru Robyn 4-stroker on a stretch cruiser & it kept up with us pretty well!