kit fuel line

I can get 3/16 fuel line from Checker auto parts store...I had the part number posted somewhere????

It's not vacuum lines or windshield washer fluid's fuel line hose
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Thanks for the tip! I am having some trouble with leaks on my Point Beach right now! Hey a good reason to go riding rotfl Later Tramp (c)
Right, Tramp, cause if you ride fast enough the gas will evaporate before it hits the ground. Just hope it clears your crotch or evaps before it gets there.
I'll show them! I WILL JUST BRASE IT SHUT. Boom! Ouch, Waaa, Ouch, rotfl Mom bring the band aids, he did it again, and it's my turn!
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you could just go to the local motorcycle shop and buy 3/16 fuel line that is thin enough to get on the carb without being a pain, and a couple clamps