Kentucky Moped Laws

Glad I live in Oklahoma!! No license, no insurance, no worries. All the cops in my neighborhood just wave as I ride by.

I passed a couple of motorcycle cops the other day. I was going full bore (40+ mph) on a rural road and they also just waved.

Best of luck in your situation!!
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I have been dodging the local cops for days while I tried to figure this out. I know I'm going to get pulled this weekend. I'll post what happened. It should be a great relief not to worry anymore, but I don't like talking with the police.
i ran into a local cop today, he said i needed a license to ride my bike. (i had my license on me, not the point though.)

me) "my cousin told me i don't need it"
cop) "i say you do!!!"
me) "my cousin said i don't"
cop) "who is your cousin?"
me) "chief blair... your boss..."

he smiled and told me to have a nice day, then walked away.

most poilce have no idea what the law actually says... that's why you get your info from the boss or the book itself.
I do keep a copy of the Oklahoma statutes in my small tool bag on the bike......just in case.
I have a copy of the Kentucky laws that I carry with me as well as a few tools. I know there will be knuckle heads that assume they know. shows that registration is required when I have verified that it is not. I've sent an email to them but still have not received a reply.
To all Kentucky Riders!

I'm not sure if anyone will enjoy this as much as I do, but I had to share. I informed of my findings concerning registration and license for mopeds in Kentucky and this is my reply. It feels so good to be right and it feels so good to not require registration or insurance.

Melissa Kayle (

Aug 5, 16:49 PDT
Hi William!

I hope this email finds you well. I heard back from our Content Team and it appears as though that you are correct! Corroborated your assertion with the following:

Have a wonderful weekend