junk parts?


New Member
Which parts of the kit are of such low quality that you just discard them and replace them with something better as you're building the kit?
fuel line: That piece of aquarium tubing probably isn't even meant to have gasoline in it. Throw it away. For about a dollar a foot, you can get real fuel line at an auto parts store. And, be sure to use hose clamps, which are not included in the kit.
spark plug, wire, and cap: use NGK or some other reputable Japanese brand.
Gas cap: What junk! Every one I've gotten has become useless when the little tabs get stuck inside the cap, so you can't screw it on right.
I've replaced the cables (clutch and throttle) and cable housing, clutch lever, all the screws and bolts, chain tensioner assembly, and sprocket assembly. This sucks! I just now realized that I should have just gotten the motor only and saved some cash. I now have a box of stuff that I do not use. Oh well, at least they're spare parts.
I've replaced the cables (clutch and throttle) and cable housing, clutch lever, all the screws and bolts, chain tensioner assembly, and sprocket assembly. This sucks! I just now realized that I should have just gotten the motor only and saved some cash. I now have a box of stuff that I do not use. Oh well, at least they're spare parts.

It really is getting to the point where I'm considering just buying an engine and putting together the rest myself. It's all such low quality, even for the price you're paying, it may not be worth the headaches.
It does make it fun to be able to put your special touches on to something that you can buy a kit for. Most people will not realize how much you have put into the bike in time, money, sweat, blood and tears. But you know and that's what counts. I know when I ride, the bike ion essence is me. The parts I replaced were not necessarily needed, but that;s just who I am. It sounds cliche, but you are what you ride. If these kits came with better parts, I would still change them out anyway because I didn't choose them.