Judes bikes

yes, It was a sudden action. As all acidents are, I was 3/4 through my morning commute to work. I had just finish a coffee and passed a lady walking her dog. I heard a ping, the next thing I know I am flying through the air thinking this is gonna hurt. My arms out I hit the ground and my coat seems to stick to the ground and keeps pulling me down. So I pushed off the road with my arms, I do this three times untill I turn on my back pack. When I finally come to a rest my bike is about 45 feet down the road< I pick my self up and walk to where my bike was and survey the damage, When I try to roll the bike off the road I quickly discover why I crashed.
The frount fender tab broke letting the fender roll forward untill the stays caught the breaks pulling the fender taught> Acting like a huge brake shoe stopping the tire dead. The lady stopped and got a neighbour to help me with my bike. She said it was like watching Spiderman. My Helmet visor had gouges in it that would have taken my skin off to the bone if it weren"t for the shield. the bike was a week old and now it was totaled, the front forks were bent so far back the tire hit the frame.
I really like you're idea with the Jack Shaft frame, thats totally the 1st one I've seen like that,was the rear jack shaft made from a 2nd crank set?, it looks a lot sturdier than the Kit sold here, do you sell this frame with the jack shaft installed?? need to know price if you do...Thanks and keep up the good work.
it was a pair of bikes that had frame fractures that i weilded together. It is expairimental it rides nice as a bike, i was waiting for a free wheel for the jack shaft to try it out, I had it geared to high. Way too fast for riding safely, had to get up to 35 to start and that was at idle.