IT works!!!!

Bike Monster

New Member
Hi im bikemonster, i finished my first motorized bicycle today (schwinn stingray occ) and took it for a test run. it was awesome!!!! until i remembered that i didnt have any brakes! lol (i broke them by accident) and i had already went up a hill and down with out them!!!! it was fun.
Hi im bikemonster, i finished my first motorized bicycle today (schwinn stingray occ) and took it for a test run. it was awesome!!!! until i remembered that i didnt have any brakes! lol (i broke them by accident) and i had already went up a hill and down with out them!!!! it was fun.

Congrats, to you Bike Monster, and I'm glad to hear that you didn't have an accident riding without brakes. LOL!!!

Let's see pic's of your build?

Peace Crazy Horse.
Just noticed your from CT, cool. A few of us get together for rides here and there. Your invited.