Internet access via a cell phone on a laptop

Just wanted to update on the PdaNet thing. I tried a similar thing yesterday and a bluetooth adapter. Both were not worth it. Pdanet is the best I have found so far but is 3G only speed. But is good enough

I bring this up because some of the larger companies are trying to get smaller companies to stop offering this kind of software so they can sell their antennas/routers to us. Might be like 2 strokes becoming illegal for the last 5 yrs, so I am taking this with a grain of salt .
Got new cell phones. Old one started having trouble connecting to PdaNet and was lousy as a phone much less a smart phone. Got the Droid 4. Really, really cool. No matter what, there is an app for that. Has all the bells and whisttles and is worth the crazy amount of cash they want a month. ($150 and change for 2)

But PdaNet now works perfectly and the cell it self could replace my car laptop. Does every thing I need from the PC and more. Is very cool.

Downloaded 2 apps that let me find the phone when lost in the house and can get a map of where it is if left some where or stolen. Stolen, can look at the exact location via google earth, map or satellite. Can make the phone "scream" to annoy or find and if I can't get it back, can lock and even wipe it's duel core and memory clean. All from any smart phone or internet connected computer.

My first PC had 2 gigs hard drive. This cell with SIMM card has 16 and is faster.

Getting addicted to the game "Angry Birds" The space one is great.
Found this for internet connection. Works great and is free.

Still use PdaNet as well. PdaNet also now has wifi. Both are about the same speed wise seemingly but pdanet connects faster.
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just like to say - im using a blackberry bold and this pdanet tethering software and so far its working great. not only do i have it on my laptop i just installed it on my desktop aswell and have 0 issues. both machines are on windows 7 and blackberry is connected through the standard usb cable. also saw it works through bluetooth. might be trying this out soon
thanks dan for the hook up you rawk man \m/
Thanks big time for posting Lamb. Is great to know it works for Blackberrys.

Found solar back pks to charge laptops.

LOL, all sorts of mobile.
PDAnet has an update. Working way faster. Not sure it is 4G (for android) but a lot faster then b4 update.

Been trying to get "Wubi" to work for hrs. Downloaded from here, and worked first shot. I wanted an OS for a small laptop for school. It loads almost as fast as a tablet can open but stiil has windows and full computer capibilities.

Goat, connecting to wireless router was easy! Great relief.


Wubi 12.04 full description
Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer for Windows users that can bring you to the Linux world with a single click. Wubi allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu as any other Windows application, in a simple and safe way. Are you curious about Linux and Ubuntu? Trying them out has never been easier!

Wubi is Simple

No need to burn a CD. Just run the installer, enter a password for the new account, and click "Install", go grab a coffee, and when you are back, Ubuntu will be ready for you.

Wubi is Safe

You keep Windows as it is, Wubi only adds an extra option to boot into Ubuntu. Wubi does not require you to modify the partitions of your PC, or to use a different bootloader, and does not install special drivers. It works just like any other application. Wubi is free of spyware and malware, and being open source, anyone can verify that.

Wubi is Discrete

Wubi keeps most of the files in one folder, and if you do not like it, you can simply uninstall it as any other application.

Wubi is Free

Wubi and Ubuntu cost absolutely nothing (free as in beer), but yet provide a state of the art, fully functional, operating system that does not require any activation and does not impose any restriction on its use (free as in freedom).
- See more at:
Holy mackerel Dan! That looks confusing. I'm so inept at these tasks, I've given up:) Keep at it man...
Holy mackerel Dan! That looks confusing. I'm so inept at these tasks, I've given up:) Keep at it man...

LOL, me too Trey. Not kidding one bit.

But the PDAnet thing is really cool. Is just a software you download so you can hook a smart phone to a computer and get online. The freebie one is a PITB deal but still gets you on line. The paid version is up to $15 for forever. I used it for hrs every day this summer and never got close to the 4 gigs of data on my cell plan. The dang thing is faster and more reliable then my $60 a month air card that is supposed to be the best out there.
My old job required I use some pretty hi-tech electronics, but they were all purpose built. Once you knew what to do, it coulda been a stick i my hand for all I cared. I used a tablet last year, and I kept expecting Spock to walk up to me:) It was actually very simple, alot like phones I had messed around with, and turned out I could use a pc too. Huh. And now I'm here bothering all you good folks! I'm going to work on my bike...