Hello everyone, new member here. What got me hot on motorized bikes was my love of antique motorcycles. I'm a huge fan of the 1912 Indian single, and the resemblance to a beach cruiser with a 4 stroke kit is uncanny. I would love to build something similar to a Sportsman Flyer 160, but on a budget. Open to suggestions on what frames would be most similar and easily modified to make it look like this. I'm very handy with lots of small engine experience, I actually do small engine repair out of my garage. So something that requires a bit of wrenching is no problem. I was also looking at the Phatmoto bikes (for around $700) if I stripped off the engine plastics and re-painted the bike Indian red, that would be pretty close to what I'm going for and a lot less work. I'm new to the motorized bike world and would love some advice.