im mad.............

i know he did it because i left my bike there while i went to the sharks game. he said something about taking a look at my plug.

im not going to do anything nasty to him. i got my bike running fine now. im just going to let him know that was not cool at all. he was a jerk for doing that and i dont like jerks and so i dont want to be one back. i figured maybe if im nice about it it will make a bigger impact. i dont know. maybe its just wussy of me.

That's not being a wuss, that's being a strong person. Violence is the first response and therefore the easiest. But you run the risk of retaliation and so on. Hopefully he grows up from your example. But maybe you should tell your sis about it. She'll need to know what kind of person he is.
I saw on Seinfeld someone said " The best revenge is living well" I just wish I could learn that advice.
A plumbers' rubber test plug called a 'Chicago plug" about 1.25 inch can be inserted in the truck's tailpipe. It won't hurt a thing and he'll never get it started. Then "offer" to take it back.
I can't help it...
Yea I guess the rules change when it's an in-law.

If you get violent with him it reflects on the wife's family thinking of your character for they will side with the %$#^&^$ that treated it like a joke.

Yea doing nothing shows strength.

I can't believe I'm even typing this right now but my Mother In Law is in the Hospital battling cancer. She may be there for a long while it seems.

Well anyway in all the 21 years of my marriage I had to deal with the in laws and I just let it all happen even though it really pissed me off especially when Mother in Law laughed right along.

But now it seems she has a lot of respect for me lately,because my wife and I there every day. She lives with us too and no one else seems to care all that much.

So yea,whatever we do with in laws have an effect with the wifey.
Wifey you have to live with. In Laws not so much.