I'm looking for A.......


minor bike philosopher
First of all we need this thread. Sometimes there are parts that just aren't easily available for E bikes. For instance the bike motor mount. That is some kind of trade secret or something. No one has them for sale that I can find.

The ones I am using on my pushers came with the complete rear wheel assembly off ebay, but the mount would work just as well for a bike. I have no idea where to buy them. I would like another one without the wheel assembly. I have no idea where to purchase one. The one I have is nothing more than a round flat piece of metal about the size of an old hub cap, It has a slotted hole in the center for the vehicle wheel axle. The slot is for tension adjustment. There there is a larger hole on the outer edge, and bold holes for the motor surrounding the larger hold. The motor bolts over into the larger hole with the sprocket protruding through.

They have a motor mount at tnc but it is for their odd shaped bicycle motor. I would like one forthe standard scooter motor. If you know where I can get one let me know...

If you need something feel free to hijack this thread.
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Wow Deacon, that's a tough one. I've done my share of searches for parts and have only come across the type TNC or Currie sells for bike mounting. I'll let you know if I do come across what you're looking for, though.
thanks the schwinn scooter used it on their 350 and maybe a couple of others since I have also seen a 500 watt motor in that same mount.
what im going to do is mount my electric motor on the rear rack and use chain and wheel with sprocket from the electric bike. mount the battery pack and throttle and im good to go.

my motor has 4 bolt holes on bottom plate should mount to rack fine.
what im going to do is mount my electric motor on the rear rack and use chain and wheel with sprocket from the electric bike. mount the battery pack and throttle and im good to go.

my motor has 4 bolt holes on bottom plate should mount to rack fine.

I noticed the larger motors, on TNC, have the type of mounting flanges you're talking about. Should work fine mounted to the rear rack and you can make tension adjustments by tweaking the rack itself. I have one that has telescoping supports. Hmmm, the possibilities. HMMMMM. :D
to adjust my chain i will lower or raise my motor by inserting blocks of wood between motor and rack. i will start my project and post pics in a few days as soon as i get a large adjustable wrench to change over the front forks.
I have changed two sets of forks today. I used a channel lock and a pipe wrench. Not real purdy but it worked okay. I moved the pusher over to a different bike and it was trying to kill me so I had to change out the forks.
Okay now I'm looking for a controller for a 450 watt motor.. My question is what rated amp controller do I need since some of them do not have a recommended wattage for the motor. It's a 24 volt controller.

My guess would be anything over 20amps but the controller with 30 amps sometimes say 350watts. Seems to be that is a lot of extra amps there.

I blew up another controller last night. I have decided to go to a two speed motor switch and just live with it.
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