If an 80cc is really a 69cc.....


My question is this. Since I ordered a 80cc boost bottle for my "80cc" engine, when in reality (come to find out) is actually only a 69cc, what can I do with the set up of the Boost Bottle to make it more efficient in relation to volume concerns?

Is it just a matter of shortening the hose on it, to decrease the
(volume store)? Any idea's?
It doesn't matter because when the engine pushes back the pressure, there is more than enough room to store it before it releases it again?

What happens when say a boost bottle for a 49cc is used on a "80cc"?
The manufacture's say they have to be precisely fit to have any benefit, no matter how imaginary.
I'm saying the boost bottle just isn't all that.

And that BGJ is stinking hilarious.