I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas motorized bicycles

Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

I coulda sworn you guys made these threads for whining, cause that's all that's gotten done so far.

If you wanna quote me decoherence - don't forget the part where I say "There is no law making gas engine motorized bicycles illegal, thus making needing to get a VIN unnecessary - BUT you guys need to get PROACTIVE in changing the laws to PROTECT motorized bicycling by proposing your own reasonable regulations BEFORE the state steps in and writes laws that make them entirely illegal."

Your right on the money about getting proactive! But the majority of the Florida riders on here don't seem to want to get together on this. So they run at the mouth but won't put themselves out a little to actually do something. So far it looks like just a few of us are going to determine (with political help) what is proposed to the state for new laws covering our bicycles. Go figure!!

Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

I coulda sworn you guys made these threads for whining, cause that's all that's gotten done so far.

If you wanna quote me decoherence - don't forget the part where I say "There is no law making gas engine motorized bicycles illegal, thus making needing to get a VIN unnecessary - BUT you guys need to get PROACTIVE in changing the laws to PROTECT motorized bicycling by proposing your own reasonable regulations BEFORE the state steps in and writes laws that make them entirely illegal."

i didn't quote you or i would have use either quotation marks or a quote box like i am doing now.
i'm tired of people on this forum stating that i'm doing something i'm CLEARLY not.

i stated about a month ago to be proactive & gave some ideas.
i got no response.
it is much easier to have a discussion when there isn't people derailing threads. there are people accusing others of statements not made. (ie: sang being anti-gas)
also people stating that the laws are clear & is all legal.
it is hard enough to keep these threads on track besides people that don't know anything about florida laws. nor going to have the repercussions. especially when they are making up laws in their head that have nothing to do with the paperwork i have in my little hot hand from the tax collector.
i know the intention isn't trolling but the effect is the same.
i would love to say i am not going to post in the fl laws threads for a while but i know i would not be able to help myself.
when i see false information posted i feel the need to correct it.

@happy valley
not 100% sure who you made the comment of
If you don't like the thread I suggest stop posting in it.
if it was @ me,
i don't hate the threads. (nor stating anything close to that) i hate that people are saying there is no issue with the clarity of the laws when that is the only thing that can be said with 100% is that the laws are not clear.
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

Your right on the money about getting proactive! But the majority of the Florida riders on here don't seem to want to get together on this. So they run at the mouth but won't put themselves out a little to actually do something. So far it looks like just a few of us are going to determine (with political help) what is proposed to the state for new laws covering our bicycles. Go figure!!


please don't take that if someone is unable to drive to no north florida as them only wanting to run their mouth.
a couple people said they would like to atend but don't have transportation. many have gotten these bikes because of lack of transportation. i know i did. until last week i would not be able to make it either.
it also is hard to get people to want to come when the people you are trying to deal with keep making sly remarks like "running your mouth".
why would they want to meet you in person when one comes off as a prick?

i propose that we figure out who wants to meet up.
we can do that in the "events" section.
then we have the people that are unable to make it have someone there speak on their behalf.

orlando is a great midpoint from south florida or north florida.
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

If I have to be a "prick", so be it. I happen to know that 2 of the guys don't live very far apart. At least 1 of them has a car. If they actually wanted to do something, other than talk, I'm sure they could figure something out. It isn't like anyone has to drive to California for this meeting. As far as why would they want to meet me? Personally, I couldn't care less! I am not out trying to win a popularity contest. Something has to be done. If it takes upsetting them and them thinking I am some kind of jerk...so what. It would be worth it to get them to the meeting.

Myself, I don't care where the meeting is. I'm retired and have nothing but time. One thing to consider is we have members down around Miami somewhere. We also have people in the panhandle. Add in the Gulf coast and the Atlantic Coast. We are really spread out. But, most of our forum members are in the northern half of the state. So, a spot 1/2 way between the Georgia/Florida state line and the middle of the state would seem fair. Never happen!


PS: Keep plugging away on the forum. Somebody has to keep things straight.
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

then let's talk about who is where & who can drive.
i'm in sebring & i can either scoop someone north of me of if someone wants to scoop me.
i do have a pickup so i can bring mine & other's bikes.

another option for the southern people is amtrak.
i use it all the time for over 30 years.
in the morning there is always a train going north & then in the afternoon one going south.
it doesn't work as well if coming from the north being that there isn't a train going south in the am & so on.
they do let bycycles on the train. i would imagine putting an electric bike on would be no issue. a gas bike would definately need all its gas drained first. i would to go as far as putting the tank in a bag. also hiding or pulling the engine off.(if able)
there is a great hot dog place that serves beer next to amtrak in orlando.
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

@happy valley
not 100% sure who you made the comment of

if it was @ me,
i don't hate the threads. (nor stating anything close to that) i hate that people are saying there is no issue with the clarity of the laws when that is the only thing that can be said with 100% is that the laws are not clear.

No, it wasn't you.
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

Thing is when people go to court there are lots of other people, eh voters, there.

What judge wants to send someone to jail for trying to use less gas and send less money to the middle east where they use the money to support terrorism ?

That is why I bicycle. I HATE sending money to terrorists ! ! !


This forum is exposing a Sheriff that is against people who want to spend as little as they can on gas ?

How billions in oil money spawned a global terror network - US News and World Report
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

Sounds good to me. First is to set an actual place to have a meeting. Then we can figure out who can actualy make it. then work on a date.
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

In the other thread, the one about stepping up to the plate, I "think" there are 5 or 6 people willing to go. I did receive a PM from one guy that he wouldn't be able to make it after all.

In my first attempt at getting people together Orlando was suggested. Maybe by me. But there was some opposition to it because of distance. I just hate the thought of only a few people doing this. It needs broad support. If we can say "Look we have people here from all over the state wanting to work out this problem", it will have a better impact. After all we would be representing the entire state. Or at least those with gas powered bikes.

Am I correct in assuming that the laws concerning battery operated bicycles are okay? If not they should also be addressed.

Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

there might be some limits to volt/wattage btu they are pretty clear on the rest it can only propel the riders to 20 mph on level ground no DL if over 16 and the elec. motor can not be used on the side walk
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

If you don't like the thread I suggest stop posting in it.

When did I say I didn't like the thread? I'm getting taken all out of context here.

Last time I checked I was typing some pretty legible english. Maybe you should reread what I've said.

At least fulltimer understood exactly what I've said.
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Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

I coulda sworn you guys made these threads for whining, cause that's all that's gotten done so far.

When did I say I didn't like the thread? I'm getting taken all out of context here.

Perhaps but it doesn't always look that way. It's quite easy to sit on the other side of the country and harangue folks to get busy and get those dang laws changed. It's hard and maybe too soon to know if more good will come or it's just kicking a hornets nest. One can have everyone's best interest at heart but when you yell 'Charge' it's good to know there are people behind you.
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

Perhaps but it doesn't always look that way. It's quite easy to sit on the other side of the country and harangue folks to get busy and get those dang laws changed. It's hard and maybe too soon to know if more good will come or it's just kicking a hornets nest. One can have everyone's best interest at heart but when you yell 'Charge' it's good to know there are people behind you.

Also, take a look through the archives at Florida's legal threads. It's not just this one I say that about. I know it takes time to get any changes in legislature, but it seems to come in waves of people who are all about sticking around and making a change, and then they give up when they realize it takes time and work for these things to happen - not just a couple phone calls.

I meant to call the DMV investigator of a few different FL counties today, but work took until 4 MST, which meant all FL gov't offices were closed. I'm going to be pursuing State Issued VINs for custom built motorcycles on bicycle frames.

I've only heard from one person that the DMV doesn't do that, but also I'm certain that "motorized bicycle" and "moped" were terms used, nothing went beyond desk clerks and the DMV investigator was never contacted. I say this - because the DMV investigator represents the DOT at the federal level, not the county or state. They are essentially federal representatives, and are only bound to inspect a vehicle to federal standards.

That being said, if in my findings it IS found impossible to get a VIN for whatever reason, one could always travel to a friend out of state, have them get it VIN'd, and then sign the title over to you - then register away in Florida.

I know it may seem as though I'm just a blowhard, telling people across the country to get it together - and in a sense, I am. But, I actually care about legislation everywhere, which is why I'm doing what I can to help DESPITE being on the other side of the country.
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

I only brought the VIN issue up as just one method of keeping the sweat off your brow while riding your CG. I don't think it's necessary, & if it goes against your beliefs, don't do it. If you want to do whatever you can stay legal, find a way. If you want to make new laws, build a committee & get representation.

I haven't seen any Florida DMV forms posted that say anything about acquiring a VIN for a bike with a motor on it. I have seen the Michigan forms, & it ain't much. $10 for a VIN, & all it has to meet are the requirements in form TR-54. A motorized bike easily meets the reqs. This form leads me to believe the VIN is issued at the state level, not the federal. I know it's a different state with different rules, but Florida must have something along these lines you guys can look into.

Since i missed most of the mudslingin', I'd like to ask how DUIs got into the discussion, & why do I keep getting the feeling it's the electronerds trying to give gas riders a bad name? Is it because gas riders are low class & electric riders are just trying to save the world?:-{
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

i don't remember seeing anyone say anything against gas bikes that drive electric. so you comment wasn't needed.
DUI have been brought up because there are several places selling motobikes for people with DUI. actually they are advertising & promoting it as a "dui" bike.

some of us would like the option to vin so we can drive 35mph & more likely being recovered if stolen.
Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

My moped is a 78 AMF Roadmaster with a VIN #.

When I got my tag they had a problem because the computer wanted a 17-character number but it only had 16 characters.

They added an extra 0 to the number to get the computer to do it.

1954 to 1981 no standard. Before 1954 no VIN ?

Vehicle Identification Number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mopeds don't have titles and you don't even need any paper work. Just sign an affidavit saying it is yours and you can get a tag.

They told me they sell very few moped tags.
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Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

I "think" most of the Florida people want our bikes to remain a legal bicycle with a gas powered motor much as the electric bicycle is. If that is the case there would be no reason to have a Vin Number. No registration.

The issue about DUI and riding these bicycles has been brought up by a couple of people. That county cop seems to think that most of us are riding without a drivers license because of DUI. That is far from the truth. There are some riders with a suspended license but most have one. Then there are people that just don't have one.

Half of my very little brain says: if a license is suspended, for whatever reason, that person should not be allowed to ride a motorized bicycle.

The other half says: It is a bicycle. No license required so everyone should be able to ride these gas powered bicycles.

Re: I think Florida will be the proving ground for gas MBs

I feel ya fully Fulltimer.

Of course I would have to add third, middle half : I don't want people riding around who will jeopardize the current and/or future protection of motorized bicycles - which tears me ever more so back and forth between the two halves.