I need Help


New Member
Hi guys
I just bought a 1960s Huffy w/ Bike Bug engine kit. I can get it started, but when i hit the throttle full out it goes for a bit and then slows down. I have replaced the sparkplug and the same thing happens.
hmmm, dirty float valve? Float drops upon increased fuel consumption, but semi-clogged valve not allowing enough replacement fuel to enter into bowl. I'm just guessing and thinking out loud.

*edit, dirty fuel filter?
There is even a section on repair pointers! I'll have to watch this thread and see if I can learn something too!
No float in a bike bugs carb....at least not the ones I have seen.
The first thing I would do is pull the fuel pick up line out and clean that little felt "filter" at the end of it. It will be full of rusty crap and such I almost guarantee it. Look for leaks in the pick up line, and finally, make sure the pressure line doesn't have any holes in it. Mine rubbed on the tire for years apperently, and then got a hole about the third time I rode it. It helps pump the fuel up to the carb.
Last I knew, that guy wanted 25 dollars for a "literature package" before he will sell you any parts. I have never needed to buy parts, from him, they are all available elseware for less.
