I need a stop light, not a tail light

Maxxon Wireless Brake Light

I ordered one and love it. Ebay has links to youtube to watch the light in several different videos. It’s really pretty slick.

Around 30 bucks for a quick and dirty wireless brake light that installs in seconds? It’s no brainer. I highly recommend it.

* It does need to be noted that when riding down a hill and applying your brakes to keep from picking up speed, if you maintain a constant speed the brake light will not sense braking and the it will not trigger the light.

It’s not perfect but way better than no brake light. It'll do have to do till I get around to to trying one of the designs mentioned above. A brake light that comes on every time is clearly better than one that comes on almost everytime.
Isn’t fun the best thing to have? Arthur (Dudley Moore)