I know, kinda weird.

Hehe yea it is on a cover on my math book (teacher made us cover our books). Funny thing is we are talking about all this rake and trail stuff and I am in geometry :D
DaveC ~ Re: I know, kinda weird.
Your disabled? Have your doctor write a perscription for motorized assist vehicle. There have been perscriptions written for lawn mowers to be powered assist and many motorized bikes, too.

The doctors go along with this because it get's you out and doing something besides sitting at home. Even if you don't pedal at all and the motor does the work you still get a workout, fresh air, things done.
Actually I already have it just by me being on Disability SSI. But in as far as Neurosurgeons go, all the ones here in New York State give their allegence to the closest one to me. An ole doddering fool that should not be practicing medicine of any kind. He has 200 Medical Malpractice suites against him now. Yet they are allowing himn to continue his practice. They tell me there are already too many waiting with law suites for him, for me to even get on the list. See he went to bat for the insurance company of the guy who ran me over while walking. Yet due to me being on DSS then, cause I was totaly laid up from the accident (Broken leg, Fractured skull, Facial surgery, ect. ect.) they sent me to him. I was actually dead for about 10 miles in the Ambulance.) The one neurosurgeon said I had a problem with my Brackeal Plexius. He wanted to put me on an experimental drug therapy. Not! Luckily I know Biology well. I have 4 Advanced Degenerative Discs in my neck. The worse is C-6, 7 which has no disc "at all", vertabrae to vertabrae. The one at the place of C-3, 4 is cutting off my nerves for my left side. My left arm has a mind of it's own, so to speak. It works, as long as I am not lifting anything with it. Took me from 2001 till 2007 to prove this doctor was talking bull to cover up for Allstate. But the paperwork in 2007 proved the point. But I did with the MRI's. Plain to see if you know what your looking for. Course now I got his buddy doctors jerking me around since then for a disc replacement. Matter fact I have a form from my Insurance company now in front of me, adding another doctor to the list that gets them a removal of one star from their record. Believe me, since our medical records have gone online, it just gives quacks more of a reprieve from Malpractice suites. As it ain't long before suddenly their stars are all back again. It's been going on awhile, and I have had plenty time to see it when it does.

Even with the proper paperwork, we got "Till of the Hun" sitting in the driver seat at DMV in Albany. He doesn't care, he wants to wield his power, and in the same right, give power to corrupt Cops that are allowed to exsist on the Force. It's a hole that is left open to interpretations. But we only have one other motorized bicycle here. He is a member of this forum, and he got popped already, is what brought my attention to what had changed in regulations.

But this guy, a Supervisor of the Technical of DMV, actually was laughing in enjoyment to hear what he was doing. I told him what the federal stats are on the point. Laughing, he said, " Have me arrested". Now your getting a slight smell of what we have here in New York. But I have not given up, by no means! Thats why I have stated this jerks name backwards on the Forum, instead of spelling the way it's suppose to spelt. Now waiting to hear back from my State Senator / Assemblyman. It's nothing new, ain't never got nothing without fighting for it. But hey, that's New York.( oh, and by the way, I wasn't on bicycle either when the accident occured. Matter of fact, I was walking, and I was not on the rode at all and they hit me, "head on" from behind, never saw nor heard them coming. Had seen who it was at the red light, back up on the street, a couple minutes before though.

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