bammer, I have a cranbrook with a 68.5cc engine. 2 years with this bike, no problems. I doubt you are gonna finish your first build in one day. I have never finished a build in one day. No matter which bike you choose, follow two things the manual may or may not tell you. threadlock your sprocket bolts and seal your gas tank. blue or red loctite will work on the sprocket bolts, red will be much more difficult to undo should you ever need to remove your rear sprocket. the cheapest tank sealer is called KREEM, and can be found at most motorcycle shops. if they dont have it in stock, they can probably order it. $20 bucks for a pint and thats enough for two tanks. if you do not seal your tank, it will rust. if you dont threadlock your sprocket bolts, they will come loose and twist your spokes all to ****.