Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Had the GenV up and running again today. Everything was hunky-dory at first with the engine running strong and smooth like it should.
Rode about an hour or so and was almost ready to put it up when...BLAM!
Pulled the clutch instantly and coasted it back to the bench to find the busted part.
Pulled the jug and discovered a busted and snagged ring in one of the transfer ports. My first thought was the circlip came out and ate the rings, but it's still installed correctly. Both rings were still in the groove too, just busted from snagging the land chunk.
From the look of the piston, I had a section of the ring land between the rings break off and catch on the transfer breaking the rings and wasting the piston. Lots of galling and gouges in the piston. The transfer has some damage from the ring chunks as well. Might be okay with touch-up but I doubt it even though there was no damage to the chrome. There's a chunk out of the lip of the transfer. Looks like I need a new piston, rings and jug to get things back running.

Just one of those random failures. Nothing broke to cause it, just a random material failure in the piston ring land.
Luckily I was quick on the clutch and caught it before any worse damage was done.
Back to the stock engine again. *sighs*
Guess I gotta start saving again for some new top end parts. All my other motors are a different stroke and therefore a different piston.
Rode about an hour or so and was almost ready to put it up when...BLAM!
Pulled the clutch instantly and coasted it back to the bench to find the busted part.
Pulled the jug and discovered a busted and snagged ring in one of the transfer ports. My first thought was the circlip came out and ate the rings, but it's still installed correctly. Both rings were still in the groove too, just busted from snagging the land chunk.
From the look of the piston, I had a section of the ring land between the rings break off and catch on the transfer breaking the rings and wasting the piston. Lots of galling and gouges in the piston. The transfer has some damage from the ring chunks as well. Might be okay with touch-up but I doubt it even though there was no damage to the chrome. There's a chunk out of the lip of the transfer. Looks like I need a new piston, rings and jug to get things back running.

Just one of those random failures. Nothing broke to cause it, just a random material failure in the piston ring land.
Luckily I was quick on the clutch and caught it before any worse damage was done.
Back to the stock engine again. *sighs*
Guess I gotta start saving again for some new top end parts. All my other motors are a different stroke and therefore a different piston.
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