Huffy Cranbrook 26 inch rear bearings.


New Member
I have ask in another forum but here go's what's the size of bearings for the rear wheel for a 2020 Huffy CranBrook Cruiser. I ordered a set that's for a bike with a coaster brake there all to small and one has bearings in the cage that seem bigger. This is what I ordered "Image" the diameter of all of them is to small and there what I see ever where That's why I went ahead and ordered them. My bearings are chipping and busted in a literal since. I tried huffy they don't sell bearing sets but you can order the rim with every thing. One problem there out of rim's maybe they will get some in soon. There are a couple of reasons for the bearings going bad One jumping on the brakes from a large dog cutting me off and then a idiot cutting lanes in a turn to beat a stop light luckily it only bent the front rim up I wobbled home a couple of miles yes I made A police report I was at a stop bar waiting to cross to head home. I think that stuffs what got the bearings crumbling.
Thanks for any effort.