Howdy From A Defector


New Member
Howdy all,

Defected from that other site. I just couldn't take the attitude over there anymore.
I hadn't logged on over there in months.
Then I cruised this site for a while and found some of the same folks over here. Haven't run
across the same "bad apples" yet tho unless, like I, they changed their identity so as not to
be associated with the other place. New beginnings and all.

Anyway, as far as bikes go, I'm into friction drives, having built a couple. I like the simplicity
and quiet compared to noisier chain drives. I use my bike to commute so it MUST be reliable.
I have found the F/D to be just that. I also really like the CVT concept.

I'm not a big poster
and mostly like reading what's new and/or unusual. I also like to read
others' problems so that I may learn what's potentially coming at me. Don't like unpleasant

See ya in the threads.

Hello Wayne, Welcome to we are glad you joined us.

I built a friction drive using a 33cc Zooma scooter motor. I really liked the friction drive compared to the chain, but I went back to chain to have a greater choice on gearing.

Nah, you're not one of the bad apples. And maybe that's something of a misnomer. Maybe sour apples is more like it. What I got tired of was when somebody came up with something, be it lighting, gearing, etc. The engineers would come out of the woodwork and give all kinds of equations, formulae, etc of how you SHOULD do something or why it wouldn't work. Or the ones that had no practical experience in a particular build type yet knew all kinds of things about how to do it better.
And actually, I stay away from any kind of apple spirits. My first drunk as a youth was on Triple Jack apple wine. Knee crawling, fire hydrant spewing bad news. Couldn't even eat an apple for years afterward.
ZEVO- yeah I know you know what I'm talking about. BTW, I asked this over there of you a long time ago but got no answer. I guess you left already. Were you ever at Can Tho air base?
welcome from another defector
I spend most of my time here now
the attitude is much more relaxed and laid-back