How does this plug look


New Member
new pics How does this plug look

I know they are not very good pics but it's all I got here are the pics. If ya can tell at all what you guys think is it running a little to lean or am I reading it wrong





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It looks fuzzy. Ha! hard to tell, but I think the color looks OK, maybe a little dark which would indicate rich. Chocolate brown is good, Swiss or white chocolate is lean and the dark chocolate or black is rich. Love that chocolate.
i concur on the old is the plug?....electrode looks a lil thin but hard to say due to clarity of pics.....but on the flip side theres no deposits on the porcelin....gummy tar not an expert on these yet as im still goin thru "breakin phase"....and id rather has a rich wet plug now than a dry one....just my own i live pretty much at sea level.......
This was after the first tank and it looks on the lighter side of chocolate. I am using power punch brand of oil I am running it at 25 -1 or a half cup to one gallon. Does anyone use this oil thanks and peace out
oh and what does 4 stroking sound like sometimes at full at almost full throttle it changes sounds and kinda falls on its face like it has no more power
oh and what does 4 stroking sound like sometimes at full at almost full throttle it changes sounds and kinda falls on its face like it has no more power
that as i unda stand is 4strokin...i jus back off the throttle and adjust the choke till it goes away.....these are finicky lil pos'....but oh so much fun

i jus got done barnstormin the development....watchin all the neighbors laughin an shakin their heads at me........wee.
Just a suggestion on your pics, you need to change your camera to "macro" setting if you have one. Your photos are blurry because you're too close for the lens to compensate. Most cameras with the macro setting have a picture of a flower, just in case that helps.

the last one is a vid if you click on it and that is the best the phone will do the pics suck the most the vid is a little clearer