I've always ran a little extra longer than necessary fuel line to make little loops, etc. I don't like the look of pulled tight straight fuel line from tank to carb. I'd like to see some pictures, possibly to develop new ideas, of what you have done/how you have routed your fuel line. 2 stroke kits, 4-stroke kits, doesn't matter, I'm interested in seeing how creative you get with the guidance of your line. Include pictures or a link to pictures and let me know. Currently I'm running a speed carburetor with some blue 5/16" fuel line and an inline filter, of course, routed how I like it, could always improve later if I see something I like better. Anyone ever make a homemade breather tube setup for their air filter, neatly routed? I'm very interested to see what you have done, looking forward to some neat ideas! Thanks.