Hi from Monterey!


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm Marc, I've been a small motor enthusiast for a few years, I have a 1948 Doodlebug I rebuilt, I'm not a mechanic, just a weekend tinkerer. Last summer I dragged my 1999 6 speed Schwinn cruiser from the side of the house, removed the banana seat (oh, why did I do that?) the big moon handlebars, the rusty springer fork and sanded and painted it wrinkle black, the wheels red and put some drop bars on it (my daughters unused 16" cruiser bars upside down) and fat cream colored tires. When I was done it was 'this thing needs a motor!' Fast forward to last weekend and my black Stinger kit arrived!
I've ridden this bike all summer, it's not a show piece so I went about the install without really doing anything to it except dusting the wheels…
I have a 32 tooth front cog, so I was able to mount the engine real low, didn't have to drill the frame, maybe that's a tip for everyone, changing the front cog (pedals easier) is a 20 minute job and they can be had for cheap. I have the Schwinn chrome horn tank which I didn't want to lose right now so I mounted the gas tank on an old rack at the rear, put an inline filter in and I'm ready to ride!
I've seen some of the magic work here on this site and I have no hope of even trying to be in that league, some of you guys are Artists to the max, I don't have those skills! Anyway, I'll try and post pics, I have the evil 16:1 soup in it now, I think I have about three miles on it so far, it feels good, though very boggy and does the 'four stroke thing' but hey, three miles, plenty of smiles! Cheers all, I look forward to hanging out and sharing the good life!


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Welcome to our community, Marc. You've joined a great bunch of folks who, like you, understand what a motorized bicycle is all about.
Nice work on the old Schwinn and thanks for sharing and joining us.

Hey Tom, I've read a number of your posts and appreciate the welcome! Here's my next crazy idea, somehow getting a gas tank inside the chrome dummy tank….With the kind of mileage these engines get if I could get a pint in there I'd be happy. Anyone tried this? Nalgene bottle? Silicone bag?
I'm also interested in getting the lights running off the engine's 'white wire'. I have LED's built into those chrome finned clearance lamps that would run great on 6 volts, I have them attached, not so successfully, to 3 AAA batteries, I guess I'd have to run ground from the engine to the frame ground the neg on the lamps and run the white to the +…?
Marc, you might want to do a little reading using the search feature for your fuel tank idea. I know others have done it successfully but I don't have those threads at my fingertips right now. Maybe someone will offer some suggestions.

As for using the white wire for lights, I usually suggest against it. It will only provide about 3watts of power. That isn't much and any light you get from it will be minimal at best. There have been a few successsful attempts using some fancy electronics but simply carrying a battery is the simplest method. If your lights draw more than 3 watts it will seriously effect the ignition system, even to the point of keeping the engine from running. Again, the search feature will provide you with a wealth of information. Simply type in 'white wire and lights' and you'll have plenty to read on the subject.

Good luck. Have fun and ride safe.

Welcome marc. that is one great looking motorized bicycle you have their. i love the old Schwinn bicycles. welcome to our world of motorized bicycles
Welcome Marc, I know Joker Machines makes a really cool gas cap that are made for your frame. Unfortunately I don't have the link but Nashmoto won one at one of the SoCal races and I was jealous because I wanted it! lol
Again welcome aboard and this summer I plan on bringing my bike down there to cruise 17 mile drive. I've done it many times in a car but never on a bike.
Thanks Tom, I'll have to research LED lights, I think I might be good there, they draw very little power. I realize this is the welcome forum, and also that the search function is Everyone's friend :)
Welcome marc. that is one great looking motorized bicycle you have their. i love the old Schwinn bicycles. welcome to our world of motorized bicycles

Hello Paul, thank you for the compliment! It was a wham bam put-together, I have a friend that built a Target Schwinn and agonized for weeks over correct bolt lengths, double nutting with cap nuts etc. etc. but he now keeps it in his living room as a show piece….. I want to ride the cr*p outta this one! The fancy stuff can come later:)
i know what you mean marc. i live on an island that is only 28 miles long and 9 miles wide at the farthest points and put over 6,000 miles on my motorized bicycle last year. they are defiantly a lot of fun