Hi from Florida


New Member
Hi, I just got my 48cc 2 stroke kit on eBay and it is going on an old cruiser bike.
My son just build one and I rode it yesterday. Wow what fun ! I am hooked !

I have been reading the info here, very helpful !

I will show some pictures when I'm done Thanks, Motorbiker
Hey Motorbiker, welcome to the forum. I've got a cruiser and a mountain bike I've motorized. I like the cruiser better. It's more comfortable for these old bones. You'll enjoy it here. Lots of help and info available. Glad you joined us.....................(^)
hi motorbiker! you will love putting it all togather. patience is the key. most of us had bugs to work out but when they are it is all worth it. hard to explain but it will make you feel young again and from that time forward every bike you look at you will imagine it with a motor :D. glad to have you with us and if you need anything please ask.