Hi De Ho Motor-o's I'm done lurking !

Hey Ex, I Know Nothing About 3 Speed Motor. If It Is A Centrifical Clutch, Then You Need The Pull Start. I Bought 2 Pull Starts For My Grubee Starfire 49cc Kits.. I Would Not Alter The Pull Starts, The Cost $25. Plus Sh. There Is A Cover For About $10. I Think "boygofast" On Ebay Motors Has The Cover Plate. Like I Said, Forum And Kit Go Together. The Pull Starts Are Nice For The First Tuning Of Engine, Lock Clutch Lever In With Button And Use Pull Start. I Just Bought A Wide Pedal Kit On Ebay For 99 Cents Plus Sh. Stay Calm, Your In Charge, Take 2 Aspirn, Lay On Couch With Cloth Soaked In Beer On Your Forehead And Post Again Tomorrow. Someone With 3 Spd Knowledge Should Jump In. They Can Be A Test To Our Sanity, But Everyone Seems To Love Them, Kind Of Like Training A Wife!! Ha Ha Ha.did That Get You Jumping. Ha Ha Hang In There. Ron
Help! What is a 3speed clutch handle!!?
How do I know if I need it?
How would I know if the motor has a centrifugal clutch?
Why is it useful if you have a centrifugal clutch?
If it is removed,will it hurt the centrifugal clutch??????????
It also had a pull start that has been removed.
There is only one thread here on this motor and was pretty inconclusive as one person didn't actually have it,and was guessing what it could be and just got speculative answers.
I hope someone has an answer because this is causing an argument between me and the guy building the bike.
SO far as stated above he gutted the plastic controller,and removed the pull start and he says it's only if you have a 3speed bike.
I think the extra cable is for a brake(which I don't have the caliper brakes installed yet as they are 12 mi from here right now)and he won't work on it till Monday if he even does anymore...
There was NOTHING in the instructions about the 3speed clutch.
Even I know you cannot get three speeds out of a clutch.
Is it a dual clutch /brake lever?
I read something about three clicks to disengage the clutch but it was a sketchy answer to say the least.
Frikkin chinese !
They oughta get an interpreter for these improvements.
Throw that thing out. That is for use on a bike with a three speed hub. It's just sales talk.
Way too many questions, if you posted one pic of your engine most of your questions would get answered. Pick and post a pic or the site if you can;

80cc bicycle engine kit - Google Image Search

Thanks Toytime !
OK...I looked on ebay from the people I bought it from but I didn't see another like it.
So heers the actual auction with the schtuff it had.
I was impressed by all features which is the text in blue and thought I was getting a real winner !
DUAL START 80CC MOTOR BICYCLE MOTORIZED GAS ENGINE KIT! - eBay (item 180328543480 end time Mar-09-09 03:01:22 PDT)
Also heres pics of the bike now(well the last I saw it)


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Ex, Your Bike Looks Good. May Cover Magnet With Cardboard And Duct Tape Till You Get A Cover. I`m At A Loss On The 3 Speed Clutch. IT DOES NOT SEEM POSSIBLE TO ME. Hope Someone Gets On Here And Clarifys That For Us All. Ron
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